Adaptation policies and planning
This topic covers public policies and planning for adaptation, and the decisions shaped by them in government at all levels. It is important to consider the knowledge used in these decisions, their consultation processes and legitimacy.
Understanding the Global Goal on Adaptation: the road from Dubai to Belém
This technical briefing offers a concise overview of the current state of GGA negotiations after COP29 in November 2024, including summarized information on how Parties, experts, and other actors are working to develop indicators and address a range of cross- cutting and emerging issues.
TCX-York: Organising for Transformation
June 25–27, 2025
Join the Transformations Community in York to explore how to organise more effectively to support transformational and systemic change.
Just transition: can 2025 bring renewed global focus?
This blog explores the outcomes of COP29's stalled negotiations on the Just Transition Work Programme, emphasizing the need for renewed focus in 2025 to manage transition risks for vulnerable groups and align just transition principles with global climate and development goals.
Adapting coastal cities and territories to sea level rise in the Pacific: Challenges and leading practices
Explore an overview of leading practices, adaptation solutions, and remaining challenges for coastal cities, territories and localities faced with sea level rise in the Pacific in the latest Ocean & Climate Platform report.
From COP29 to COP30: Accelerating adaptation and avoiding further delays
This blog post describes shortcomings of the current negotiation approach, and proposes ways to accelerate adaptation efforts, focusing on both increasing ambition and ensuring implementation.
What Is ‘Loss and Damage’ from climate change? 8 Key questions, answered
Want to learn more about Loss and Damage? This article answers your key questions and explains the new fund designed to help vulnerable nations cope with the devastating impacts of climate change.
Climate justice and behaviour change: examining the role of the individual in climate adaptation and water security
Behavioral science holds new promise for improving decision-making and programming around climate adaptation and water security. However, there is a risk that certain approaches and attitudes might unfairly place the burden of responsibility on individuals. Will Ingram and Kate Gannon outline how accounting for systemic factors can improve outcomes and avoid pitfalls, focusing on Sub-Saharan Africa.
Nationally Determined Contributions in Asia: Are governments recognizing the rights, roles and contributions of Indigenous Peoples?
This report synthesises the findings from 10 country-level reports which examine how the rights, roles and knowledge of indigenous men, women, youth, and persons with disabilities are addressed in national-level climate policies and plans.
What’s next for adaptation? Twelve leading voices on adaptation weigh in on priorities post COP28
How do we move forward, and build on, strengthen, or even go beyond COP28’s commitments? Twelve leading voices on climate adaptation share what they believe are the top priorities to address urgent adaptation needs worldwide.
Empowering small rural municipalities through multilevel governance for adaptation in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
This case study was originally published on the Climate-ADAPT website – for more information please visit the case study page. Climate-ADAPT aims to...