Adaptation Stories
Engaging local communities in heatwave preparedness and response: a dialogue with the city of Malmö and Valencia
This event is part of a series addressing key issues related to climate adaptation and public participation. This event focuses on a dialogue engaging local communities with heatwave preparedness and response.
Storytelling for building adaptive capacity: Lessons from the Bow River Basin (Canada)
Explore inspiring stories of how communities in the Bow River Basin are innovating and adapting to climate change challenges through creative solutions in water management, agriculture, and habitat restoration.
Resiliencia al Cambio Climático
Primer Proyecto financiado por el Adaptation Fund en Chile y en Latino América. Concebido el 2014, fue aprobado el 2015. Empezó el 8 del 2017. Tiene 4 años de duración y convoca a 13 instituciones.
Climate Change Impact on Pastures and Livestock Systems in Kyrgyzstan
The report describes the new livestock umbrella programme the Kyrgyz government with the support of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) aiming at helping the country to face not only today´s problems and constrains in the livestock sector but also future challenges.
Cross-Canada Checkup: A Canadian Perspective on Our Water Future
This report offers a perspective on current and emerging water challenges and priorities across Canada through the presentation of issues heard and discussed at the Forum for Leadership on Water’s (FLOW) national discussion series tour “Northern Voices, Southern Choices: Water Policy Lessons for Canada,” held in 2011.