Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
Mountains are complex and fragile environments. They heavily influence regional climate systems, are often rich in highly specialised species and numerous natural resources, and provide various ecosystem services. This category illustrates the importance of mountain landscapes and biodiversity, and the ecosystem services they provide. It features good practice examples of how these landscapes, biodiversity and services are being protected.
Strengthening socio-environmental monitoring in the Andes
Explore recommendations and proposals on socio-environmental monitoring in the Andes made by the research community in this policy brief.
Apoyando transiciones justas hacia un sector de agua sostenible en Bolivia
El estudio destaca la urgencia de transformaciones sociales y económicas para abordar el cambio climático y mejorar la gestión del agua en Bolivia.
Leave No Mountain Behind: The Synthesis Series – Scaling ecosystem restoration and protection: challenges and promising solutions
This synthesis examines the solutions in the Adaptation at Altitude Solutions Portal that have direct or indirect benefits on restoration and sustainable management of ecosystems. It also looks at common factors that have brought about success in these projects, such as inclusive decision-making, collaboration across different sectors, and providing tools, data, and infrastructure to local communities.
Building strongholds for people and nature in the high Andes: Saving and restoring wetlands is helping communities to manage scarce water resources in the face of climate change
Discover how community members in Jujuy Province, Argentina are working to improve the management of the precious water that enables them to graze llamas and other livestock in local wetlands and grasslands, and to grow crops to feed their families or sell on local markets, in this solution story.
Hacia una agenda de investigación para el monitoreo integrado de ecosistemas andinos: aportes para la sostenibilidad en escenarios de cambio ambiental
Esta publicacion es un resumen del Conversatorio sobre “Hacia una agenda de investigación para el monitoreo integrado de ecosistemas andinos: aportes para la sostenibilidad en escenarios de cambio ambiental”.
First Latin-American edition of IPROMO: Sustainable Management of Socio-Ecosystems in the Andes
This article describes the first course of the IPROMO Mountains Training Programme held in Spanish. The course was organised by CONDESAN with the support of two initiatives financed by the Swiss Agency for Cooperation and Development (SDC).
MOUNTAIN-EVO: Adaptive governance of mountain ecosystem services for poverty alleviation enabled by environmental virtual observatories
This project is about how to govern mountatin ecosystems for poverty alleviation enabled by environmental virtual observatories.