Business Adaptation and Investment Decisions
Businesses have a growing need for considering how they should respond to climate risk as well as making the most of new business opportunities linked with the 'green economy'. This category looks at climate change scenarios within economic tools and practices for business. It also includes public investment decisions that use economic or financial analysis approaches.
Climate Risk Assessment for Infrastructure: An application for Cai Lon – Cai Be Sluice Gates in the Mekong Delta
In this study, a step-by-step methodology of climate risk assessment for infrastructure, namely the PIEVC Engineering Protocol (the “Protocol”), was used to assess the climate risk of the Cai Lon - Cai Be sluice gates.
The Mekong Delta an Emerging Investment Destination in Viet Nam: Sustainable Growth, Improving Infrastructure and an Excellent Investment Climate
This publication highlights the opportunities for investors in the Mekong Delta and presents the challenges that international businesses may still face in the region.
Climate Services for the Road and Bridges Infrastructure Sector in Costa Rica: Baseline Assessment Report
The assessment report provides an overview of the Climate Service inventory, which encompasses currently available Climate Service capacities and specific products. It furthermore reflects the current use and demands of Climate Services from the road infrastructure sector.
Concept for Climate Service Index Development Case from CSI
CSI aims to empower decision-makers to make greater use of Climate Services when planning infrastructure investments and thus help increase infrastructure resilience. In this way, it is helping to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 9.
Climate Service Action Plan for the Nile Initiative (NBI CSAP)
The primary purpose of the Action Plan is to help NBI position itself as a regional climate service provider for hydrological issues within its mandate. The Action Plan is envisaged to spell out key actions NBI needs to take in order to establish and further enhance its climate services to its member countries.
A Recipe for the Service of Climate Risk Assessment for Infrastructures in Vietnam based on PIEVC Protocol
The recipe was developed based on the successful case of climate risk assessment (CRA) for the Cai Lon – Cai Be sluice gate project. The recipe consists of three main components, including procedure, quantity, and price.
Risk Assessment for the Climate Proofing of Infrastructure Investments: PIEVC Protocol
The PIEVC Engineering Vulnerability Assessment Protocol is a climate risk assessment tool developed by Engineers Canada and tailored to the needs of the infrastructure sector. This document briefly describes the seven steps in risk assessment for the climate proofing of infrastructure investments.
Online resources for UK businesses preparing for and responding to flood events
This resource is designed to support business, and those working with business, to identify research to support their projects and decision-making in preparing for and responding to flood events.
UK private sector resilience and market opportunities for climate products and services
Climate change is presenting UK businesses with opportunities as well as risks, according to this report commissioned by the Environment Agency and produced by Acclimatise.
Emerging solutions to drive private investment in climate resilience
This paper provides insights from 7 Development Finance Institutions' (DFIs) experiences in driving private investment in climate resilience and suggests strategies that could scale up efforts.