Climate Information in Decision-Making
Factoring climate information into decision-making across scales is central to reducing vulnerability in the short, medium and long-term. This is particuarly the case in development strategies and planning, where the failure to include climate information in decision-making can result in lock-in to maladaptative pathways. The content included here looks at the use of climate information in decision-making, including how it is being used in decision-making, and how it can be mainstreamed into development planning.
Towards a step change in co-production for climate resilience
The chapter records experiences of UKCR researchers whose projects incorporated co-production approaches to improve the usability, accessibility, relevance and credibility of outputs, and engage different groups of people in climate resilience.
“El Niño” is knocking on our door: How can climate information help vulnerable populations make better decisions to protect themselves from its impacts?
Learn about the Agroclimatic Management Platform model which seeks to strengthen agroclimatic governance to improve agricultural productivity in the Andes. It highlights the importance of family farmers being able to access information and practices that help them adapt their activities to climatic events.
ZEROing IN on this critical decade for climate: Insights from the latest IPCC reports on the Paris Agreement, 1.5°C, and climate impacts
The latest ZERO INreport from the CONSTRAIN project dives into the science set out in the recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change assessments. It investigates what our climate future could look like, depending on whether we take action in line with the Paris Agreement, or decide to follow current national policies and plans.
Climate Services for Infrastructure Baseline Assessment Report for the Nile Basin Countries
This baseline comprises all available and desired Climate Service products for the water sector as well as an assessment of the state of the Climate Service infrastructure regarding the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services capacities and potential to generate useful and usable climate information products for water-related sectors.
Climate Services in Germany: Stakeholders, Challenges and Factor of Success
This study is part of the CSI project and examines Climate Services in the German context. In particular, the Climate Service value chain is investigated and those stakeholders who play a decisive role as change agents in this area are highlighted.
Global Forum 2017 | Enhancing Climate Services for Infrastructure Investments (CSI)
Between September 11th and 15th, 2017, members and partners of the Climate Services for Infrastructure Investments Project came together for the first Global Forum in Germany.
CSI Global Forum 2019 | Costa Rica
This article provides an overview of the CSI Global Forum 2019 held in Costa Rica.
Principles for Co-Producing Climate Services: Practical Insights from FRACTAL
Explore principles for co-producing climate services based on FRACTAL project evidence and experiences through this working paper.
Mapping the Evolution and Current Trends in Climate Change Adaptation Science
This study provides a review of climate change adaptation science literature that spans from the first publication in 1978 to mid-2020. It identifies the underpinning foundations, leading authors, countries and organisations, as well as dominant research themes and priorities, and explores how these have changed over time.
Orientation Guide on Concepts, Terms and Definitions in the Context of Climate Services, Infrastructure Risk Assessment and Climate Risk Management
Explore the common concepts, terms, and definitions in the context of Climate Services, Infrastructure Risk Assessment, and Climate Risk Management through this guide.