Climate Resilient Mountain Development and Water Challenges
Mountain regions provide a multitude of ecosystem services. However, mountain ecosystems are also fragile and vulnerable to the adverse impacts of climate change, including melting glaciers that threaten downstream water security. Deforestation and forest degradation, land use change, land degradation, disasters, poor watershed management and the marginalisation of mountain communities also have a major impact on these ecosystems, their associated water resources and the people that rely on them. The SDC is active in mountain regions and watersheds across the world, and seeks to promote water security and create better living conditions and decent incomes for mountain communities.
SCA-Himalayas project-Landslide analysis with radar data in the Indian Himalayas
Learn about the SCA-Himalayas project which is addressing climate risks in the mountainous context, including landslides, floods and changes in water resource availability.
Webinar on Sustainable Groundwater Management
Listen to expert speakers share their perspectives on sustainable groundwater management from the point of view of China, various regions and globally.
Assessment of Glacier and Permafrost Hazards in Mountain Regions: Technical Guidance Document
This technical guidance document provides a structured and comprehensive approach to hazard assessment underpinned by latest scientific understanding. It has been produced as a resource for international and national agencies, responsible authorities and private companies.
Policy Dialogue for Managing Groundwater Overpumping in the North China Plain
This policy brief series informs dialogue between scientists and policy makers working on groundwater resources, sustainable agriculture and climate change.
Andes Resilientes al Cambio Climático Project (Resilient Andes to Climate Change)
A project working to increase the resilience of the most vulnerable communities that live in the mountain ecosystems of the Andes to the effects of climate change and natural hazards.
The hydrological ecosystem services compensation system: the Mariño micro-basin in Abancay, Peru
The local organizations and peasant farmer communities of Apurimac hold activities to protect springs, plant native trees and build ccochas (artisanal reservoirs) to improve water regulation.
Leaving no one in mountains behind – Localizing the SDGs for resilience of mountain people and ecosystems
This issue brief presents initial steps towards localization of the 2030 Agenda to mountain areas.
A first National Inventory of Future Glacier Lakes: implications for water and risk management in Peru
The following article presents the construction and usefulness of a first National Inventory of Future Glacier Lakes in the Peruvian Andes for new pathways of water and risk management.
Climate Vulnerability Assessment for the Indian Himalayan Region using a common framework
This article explains a first-of-its kind mapping and capacity building initiative on climate vulnerability and risk assessment for the Indian Himalayan Region using a common framework
Managing disaster risks and water under climate change in Central Asia and Caucasus
This publication presents the conclusions emerging from a joint learning journey involving three thematic networks – Climate Change and Environment, Disaster Risk Reduction, and Water.