Directing Tracking and Monitoring Climate Finance
Tools and methods for how to direct, track and monitor climate finance.
UNEP Adaptation Gap Report 2024: Come hell and high water
The Adaptation Gap Report (AGR) 2024 provides its annual assessment on progress in adaptation planning, implementation and finance. It shows that, while inching forward on adaptation planning, collectively developing countries are falling behind on implementation because of the enormous gap between adaptation finance needs and flows.
Good practices in accessing and delivering adaptation finance to support Small Island Developing States and Least Developed Countries
The article outlines strategies and innovative practices to enhance access to and delivery of adaptation finance for Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and Least Developed Countries (LDCs), emphasizing the importance of equitable, country-led mechanisms and innovative financing approaches to address climate vulnerabilities effectively.
Global landscape of climate finance 2024
This CPI report reflects on how climate finance has evolved from
2018 to 2022, exploring both mitigation and adaptation flows across different economies.
The impact of COVID-19 fiscal spending on climate change adaptation and resilience
New research from the University of Oxford analyses 8,000 government policies across 88 countries to reveal how Covid-19 recovery spending contributed to climate adaptation and resilience.
A framework for mobilizing private finance and tracking the delivery of adaptation benefits
This paper presents a conceptual framework that allows users to assess a country’s practices for mobilizing private sector finance for adaptation.
Finance for the adaptation of ecosystems to climate change: a review of the Adaptation Fund portfolio
This paper is interested in how much adaptation practitioners and funders focus on how other species adapt to climate change.
Steering International Adaptation Finance Towards the Local Level
In this paper, adelphi's team of experts analyses key challenges and potential solutions for channelling money from the international to the local level in order to improve adaptation finance.
Understanding and increasing finance for climate adaptation in developing countries
This report explores the current state of finance for climate adaptation and proposes practical, near term solutions to both fill in knowledge gaps and to increase investment.
Can the Least Developed Countries Count on the Green Climate Fund?
The Green Climate Fund is a critical institution for the implementing of the Paris Agreement. Is it fulfilling its promisies and helping deliver successful adaptation outcomes in vulnerable nations?
Climate Finance Received – An Assessment of Biennial Update Reports
In their Biennial Update Report submissions to the UNFCCC, Non-Annex I Parties have encountered difficulty adhearing to UN reporting requirements and have used vastly different reporting approaches.