Ecosystem-based Adaptation
Actions to enhance ecological structures and functions that are essential for ecosystems and people to adapt to multiple changes, including climate change. You can find articles and case-studies on Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services under the Climate Change Adaptation in Mountains Theme.
From Cali to Belem: Subnational governments leading nature action to adapt to climate change
The RegionsAdapt Progress Report 2024 highlights the adaptation efforts of subnational governments worldwide. It emphasizes the critical connection between biodiversity and climate resilience, showcasing strategies that integrate nature-based solutions to address these twin crises and highligting 12 stories of progress.
Harnessing Ecosystem-based Adaptation to drive progress on implementing the Kunming Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework
This report offers consolidated evidence, guidance and case studies on ecosystem-based adaptation to support the uptake of EbA across national strategies and plans for all three Rio Conventions, and to inform the development of revised national biodiversity and climate commitments.
Indigenous-led Nature-Based Solutions for the climate crisis: insights from Canada
This article examines Indigenous-led Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) for addressing the climate crisis, focusing on Canadian policies, global frameworks, and emerging Indigenous collaborations in conservation.
Video series “How to effectively restore mangroves”
Watch this video series by Wetlands International to learn about the challenges mangroves face worldwide and strategies to restore them.
Sustainable management of agrobiodiversity and recovery of vulnerable ecosystems in the Andean region of Peru
This report presents a comprehensive analysis of the GIAHS project's efforts to conserve agrobiodiversity and restore ecosystems in the Andean region of Peru. It highlights the importance of community participation, traditional knowledge, and the need for sustainable practices and policies to ensure the continuity of conservation efforts.
Catalogue of Ecosystem-based Adaptation Measures in Mountains
Explore the experiences of using Nature-based Solutions (NbS) and Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) to build climate resilience in three mountain ranges. The catalogue provides practical information on these experiences to inform NbS practitioners, decision-makers, project designers and managers, researchers and local communities.
A memorable time – the Global Project Mainstreaming EbA is saying goodbye
Discover the learning, webinars, videos, publications and more from The Global Project Mainstreaming EbA project.
Handbook System for the Design and Implementation of EbA
This handbook system guides you through the process of designing, setting up, implementing, monitoring and up-scaling EbA interventions under the global Programme “Scaling Up Mountain Ecosystem-Based Adaptation: building evidence, replicating success, and informing policy."
Nature-based Solutions in Action: Lessons from the Frontline
Explore real-life evidence of how high quality NbS can deliver positive outcomes for climate, nature and people through 13 case studies in this IIED report.
Harnessing Nature to Build Climate Resilience: Scaling Up the Use of Ecosystem-based Adaptation
Discover the role of ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) in helping societies globally adapt to climate change; the current trends in EbA's implementation; and how EbA can be successfully applied in both policy and practice.