Integrating Climate Action and Development
These resources discuss the need to integrate climate change mitigation, adaptation and the sustainable development goals, and how this can be done in practice. These resources are relevant to National Adaptation Planning and the development of Nationally Determined Contributions under the UNFCCC.
Apoyando transiciones justas hacia un sector de agua sostenible en Bolivia
El estudio destaca la urgencia de transformaciones sociales y económicas para abordar el cambio climático y mejorar la gestión del agua en Bolivia.
The Climate Crisis: A Humanitarian and a Jewish issue
This report makes the case for why faith-based, humanitarian charities should be adjusting their work to ensure they are building long-term climate resilience, rather than only focusing on short-term, emergency responses.
To do so, it explains the basics of climate science for a non-expert audience, summarises the expected impacts of the climate crisis and the humanitarian imperative to address them, and explains how key Jewish values are being threatened by the climate crisis. It then sets out how World Jewish Relief is structuring its own work on resilience building, mitigation, adaptation and preparedness, to set an example for how their own organisation could begin to enter such a huge sphere of work.
Climate resilient development pathways: applicability to navigating a just transition in South Africa
This article establishes the basis and sets the direction for future knowledge (co)production and planning work in relation to the adaptation and climate resilience aspects of navigating a ‘Just Transition’ in South Africa.
UNEP Adaptation Gap Report 2022
Explore the 2022 UNEP Adaptation Gap report, which finds that the world must urgently increase efforts to adapt to impacts of climate change.
Capacity Development for the Execution of Climate Risk Assessment in the Nile Basin using the Public Infrastructure Engineering Vulnerability Assessment Protocol (PIEVC)
The purpose of the technical report series is to support informed stakeholder dialogue and decision making in order to achieve sustainable socio-economic development through equitable utilization of, and benefit from, the shared Nile Basin water resources.
Climate Resilient Development Pathways – Frequently Asked Questions from Chapter 18 of the IPCC’s 6th Assessment Report
What is a climate resilient development pathway? How can different actors across society and levels of government be empowered to pursue climate resilient development? Learn about these and other frequently asked questions from Chapter 18 of the IPCC's AR6 Working Group II report: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability.
Linking Mitigation and Adaptation in Long-Term Strategies
This is a GIZ discussion paper prepared for UNFCCC COP24 in Katowice, summarising early findings from research on the potential of mitigation–adaptation linkages in long-term climate strategies.
Mainstreaming climate compatible development: Insights from CDKN’s first seven years
This book brings together lessons from the first seven years’ work of CDKN – the Climate and Development Knowledge Network – and invites you to share your experience.
COP20 ODI Discussion Paper: Targeting Zero Zero – Achieving zero extreme poverty on the path to zero net emissions
This discussion paper aimed to stimulate debate on how to achieve Zero Zero – zero extreme poverty and zero net emissions. It was prepared to frame the Development and Climate Days 2014 at COP20 in Lima, Peru.
Climate Change Adaptation and the Low Carbon Economy in British Columbia
This report seeks to encourage dialogue about three major challenges that must be addressed if we are to pass on a sustainable world to our children: the ENERGY challenge; the CLIMATE CHANGE challenge; and the ECOSYSTEM challenge.