Landscape and Ecological Restoration
A planned long-term process aimed at restoring the ecological integrity and enhance human well-being in deforested or degraded landscapes.
Indigenous-led Nature-Based Solutions for the climate crisis: insights from Canada
This article examines Indigenous-led Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) for addressing the climate crisis, focusing on Canadian policies, global frameworks, and emerging Indigenous collaborations in conservation.
Video series “How to effectively restore mangroves”
Watch this video series by Wetlands International to learn about the challenges mangroves face worldwide and strategies to restore them.
Best practice guidelines for mangrove restoration
The guidelines aim to build a shared understanding of best practices around mangrove management, and in doing so, to facilitate scaling up of cost effective, inclusive, and successful restoration.
Forest Ontario: Ecosystem Restoration Guide
This guide explores terrestrial, aquatic, soil, and wildlife restoration and discusses restoration efforts, action plans and case studies, as well as the organizations that have brought these restoration efforts to life in Ontario, Canada.
Overview of Researches on Bush Fires for Natural Resources and Environmental Management in Ghana: A Review
Explore an overview of the research that has been done about the impact of bush fires on vulnerable vegetation in Ghana.
An Introduction to Nature-based Solutions
Explore the basics of nature-based solutions as concept with example case studies through this introductory article.
Building with Nature in Indonesia: Restoring an Eroding Coastline and Inspiring Action at Scale
Learn about a landscape scale implementation of the Building with Nature approach to restore the eroding mangrove coastline in Demak, Central Java, Indonesia, while simultaneously revitalising aquaculture.
The Importance of Floodplain Restoration for Mangroves
Learn about floodplain restoration for mangroves with this short and easy-to-understand video
Economics of land degradation: the significance of India’s new environment targets
India has just declared that it will restore 21 million hectares of degraded land. However, this can only be done by community-level engagement and providing based inputs for replication.
Mangrove Restoration: ‘To plant or not to plant?’
The majority of mangrove planting efforts are failing. A more effective approach is natural mangrove rehabilitation. This leaflet explores the question ‘To plant or not to plant?’