Methods and indices for measuring vulnerability
Focuses on sensitivity and adaptive capacity indicators in addition to more general human/sustainable development indicators and data (rather than on hazards and exposure).
‘Leave no one behind’ index, ODI 2018
This index reviews the readiness of 86 countries to ‘leave no one behind’, covering all the countries that are presenting Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs).
Resilience Realities: Resilience and Development Practice in Vanuatu
This research has identified key issues related to resilience following Tropical Cyclone Pam that contribute to community-based adaptation and resilience discourse and action across scales.
Financial services for resilience: Implementing innovative methodologies to measure resilience in Niger
This report explores the implementation of innovative methodologies to measure the effect of financial services on people's resilience in Niger.
The Consolidated Livelihoods Exercise for Analyzing Resilience (CLEAR) approach
The Consolidated Livelihood Exercise for Analyzing Resilience (CLEAR) is an analytical approach developed by WFP to better understand how food security is affected by climate risks.
Routes to resilience: Lessons from monitoring BRACED
This paper shares insights, reflections and lessons learned from designing, implementing and reporting against the BRACED Monitoring and Evaluation framework.
The Indirect Effects of Adaptation: Pathways for Vulnerability Redistribution in the Colombian Coffee Sector
This paper examines the possibility that measures taken to bolster livelihoods and adapt to climate change in one place could increase vulnerability elsewhere.
The Food Insecurity and Climate Change Vulnerability Index
The Food Insecurity and Climate Change Vulnerability Index offers a window on our global future up to the 2080s, looking at how climate change may affect future vulnerability to food insecurity.
New tool offers practitioners the opportunity to measure resilience and report impact
Implicit in all development work is the quest for impact. Positively influencing livelihoods, landscapes and ecosystems is the goal of...
Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis in central Tanzania
The Chololo Ecovillage Project began in 2011 aiming to create a model of good practice in climate change adaptation, supporting...