Project Preparation and Finance Readiness
The articles provide advice and guidance on how to prepare climate finance projects.
The LEDS GP Resource guide for NDC finance
This guide presents a curated selection of high quality resources on a range of topics around finance for Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and low emission development strategies (LEDS).
Capacity building for climate change: Lessons from other regimes
Climate leaders must learn from existing work in other international regimes to ensure the effectiveness of capacity-building programs.
USAID Adapt Asia-Pacific Annual Meeting Proceedings
This article hosts the proceedings from the ADAPT Asia-Pacific Annual Forums, which aimed to support capacity building and technical assisstence on financing climate change adaptation
Guide to Climate Change Adaptation Project Preparation
This guide aims to assist government and non-government agencies at all scales in preparing bankable climate change adaptation proposals to access various sources of financing.
Guidelines for Designing Bankable Adaptation Projects
This paper presents a summary of the Project Appraisal Guidelines developed in collaboration with India’s National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD).
Shortlisting Climate Change Adaptation Projects
This document shares an example from USAID Adapt Asia-Pacific’s experience working with India’s NABARD to design a checklist for selecting projects to be financed by the Adaptation Fund.
The Exchange Series on Climate Financing
The APAN Exchange Series is a facilitated email information and knowledge exchange platform on climate financing operated and supported by USAID Adapt Asia-Pacific.
Understanding the Green Climate Fund: Implications for the Evolving Architecture of Direct Access to Climate Finance
This paper describes the Green Climate Fund and outlines key considerations to be taken into account to enhance the readiness of NCFs to directly access international climate finance.
An Assessment of Specialized International Funds with Available Resources for Climate Change Adaptation Projects in Asia and the Pacific
This paper presents an assessment of specialized international funds with available resources for climate change adaptation projects in Asia and the Pacific
Quick Guide to Climate Change Adaptation Funds
This USAID Adapt Asia-Pacific Quick Guide is an easy to follow collection of 10 climate funds and initiatives available for financing adaptation activities in developing countries.