Locally led adaptation: Promise, pitfalls, and possibilities
This article offers a nuanced understanding of the power and justice considerations required to make locally led adaptation useful for local communities and institutions, and to resolve the tensions between LLA and other development priorities.
TALX: Climate Adaptation Partnership Network
Learn more about the Transboundary Adaptation Learning Exchange (TALX) project and The Climate Adaptation Partnership Framework which supports place-based adaptation across the Ireland and the UK. It provides practical actions to set up and further develop climate adaptation partnerships and includes inspiring case studies and links to a wide variety of tools and resources.
Understanding and Supporting Climate-sensitive Decision Processes in Southern African Cities Review
Find out about recent research on how climate information is brought to bear on decision-making in southern African cities. Development of sustainable cities needs to be based on robust climate information while also involving local communities.
Shifting Power Through Climate Research: Applying Decolonial Methodologies
Colonial legacies and unequal divisions of power embedded within Global North-South relationships continue to affect and shape climate research. This article explores how these dynamics can be better considered and addressed during research processes.
Podcast: Computer models as a tool for sustainable water planning
Listen to this short podcast episode on the importance of technology and planning in current and future water management, and learn more about SEI's WEAP tool and how it can be used in this context.
Climate-Smart Conservation: Putting Adaptation Principles into Practice
The guide is designed to help conservationists and resource managers incorporate climate change considerations into their work.
Holistic Approach towards Climate Proofing of Infrastructure Investments: The Integration of Climate Risk Management into Different Investment Decision-Making Contexts Requiring Tailored Types of Risk Assessment
The integration of climate risk management into different investment decision-making contexts requirng tailored types of risk assessment.
Climate Services for the Coastal Protection Infrastructure Sector in Vietnam: Baseline Assessment Report
The assessment report provides an overview of the Climate Service inventory which encompasses currently available Climate Service capacities and specific products. It furthermore reflects the current use and demands of Climate Services from the coastal protection sector.
The Role of Climate Data in the Planning Processes in Germany for Bridges, Hydropower Dams and Coastal Protection/Dyke Construction
This report aims to give an overview of the planning processes in Germany for bridges, hydropower dams and coastal protection. An in depth analysis of when and how climate data influences this process, will take place. Diagrams and examples will aid this process in defining key entry points for climate data.
Evaluación de Riesgo de la Infraestructura ante el Cambio Climático: Puente sobre Rio Tempisque
A continuación, se presentan algunos aspectos de cómo surge el proyecto, cuál es el alcance, la definición del equipo de trabajo, la metodología utilizada y otros detalles de importancia.