Understanding actors’ vulnerabilities and adaptation needs
What impacts may be expected under climate change? What are actors’ vulnerabilities and capacities? What major decisions need to be addressed? What are stakeholders’ needs and priorities for adaptation? Below are training materials to identify who, what and where is vulnerable.
Online course: Climate change and inclusive WASH
This course aims to provide global WASH actors with knowledge, tools and case studies to proactively tackle climate change challenges in the WASH sector.
E-learning course on human mobility in the context of climate change
This open access self-paced online course will build capacities needed to consider human mobility in the context of climate change in your respective field of work.
Cities and climate change – UN CC:e-Learn short course
Discover how cities are being affected by, and contributing to climate change in this online UN CC:e-Learn course. Learn about how climate change adaptation and mitigation can be considered in urban planning, and find links to other UN resources on climate change for more in-depth and specific information.
Gender Equality and Human Rights in Climate Action and Renewable Energy – UN CC:eLearn course
This self-paced e-course provides an overview of the interlinkages between gender, human rights, climate change, and renewable energy. It provides participants with the specific knowledge and tools to integrate and implement gender equality in renewable energy access and entrepreneurship, as well as related gender-responsive and human rights-based approaches in climate change mitigation and adaptation measures.
Climate Change, Peace and Security UN CC:eLearn online course: Understanding Climate-Related Security Risks Through an Integrated Lens
This self-paced, online course unpacks the interlinkages between climate change, peace and security and explores opportunities for promoting inclusive climate action, conflict prevention and peacebuilding.
National Adaptation Plans: Building Climate Resilience in Agriculture MOOC
There is a crucial connection between climate change adaptation, agriculture and sustainable development. This massive open online course (MOOC) presents key elements for this nexus, such as gender, NAPs, traditional knowledge, and links to other sectors, such as forestry.
Indigenous Knowledges and Perspectives on Climate Adaptation online course
This course developed by Royal Roads University invites learners into deeper thinking, reflection and content pertaining to indigenous perspectives in climate adaptation and mitigation.
Keeping the Taps Running in a Changing Climate- UN CC:eLearn course
This tutorial by UN CC:e-Learn introduces the concept of mainstreaming climate change adaptation into water resources.
Food & Water Security online course
This course will encourage learners to build a new understanding of food security, water shortages and climate change challenges in agriculture. See videos for each module.
Climatic and Ecological Modelling for Adaptive Forest Applications online course
This online course introduces climatic and ecological modelling tools and practical applications of models in forest and ecological resource management. See learning resources and taster videos!