Vulnerability assessments and climate risks
This category focuses on characterising hazards and assessing vulnerability to specific hazards and extreme events. We include examples which use the recent IPCC risk framework (impacts, responses).
Sri Lanka: Consolidated Livelihood Exercise for Analysing Resilience
This case study focuses on livelihood mapping in rural areas in Sri Lanka to better understand spatial patterns of livelihood and vulnerability.
Screening for natural hazards to inform a climate change risk assessment for Scotland’s historic environment
Find out how Historic Environment Scotland developed a GIS-based approach to screen their properties for climate-related natural hazards such as flooding, coastal erosion and ground instability.
Using a Local Climate Impact Profile (LCLIP) with Aberdeen City Council to assess vulnerability to climate risks
See how Adaptation Scotland helped Aberdeen City Council complete a Local Climate Impact Profile to study the impact of past extreme weather events and assess the areas vulnerability to future risk.
LAO PDR: Consolidated Livelihood Exercise for Analyzing Resilience (CLEAR)
This analysis, published jointly by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and WFP, examines the impact of climate risks on food security and livelihoods in Laos.
ODI Resilience scan April-June 2016: A review of literature, debates and social media activity on resilience
Thisscan summarises writing and debates in the field of resilience during the second quarter of 2016, focusing primarily on the context of developing countries.
Conservation Organizations Need to Consider Adaptive Capacity: Why Local Input Matters
This article discusses why adaptive capacity assessment represents a critical tool supporting conservation planning and management. It also evaluates key factors guiding conservation NGOs.
A Framework for Climate Change Vulnerability Assessments
This vulnerabilty assessment framework was prepared by GIZ to provide decision-makers and adaptation implementers such as (local) government officials, development experts and civil society representatives with a structured approach and a sourcebook for assessing vulnerability to climate change. Furthermore, it provides a selection of methods and tools to assess the different components that contribute to a system’s vulnerability to climate change.
Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptive Capacity in Garissa County, Kenya
This document explores the impacts of climate change on livelihoods in pastoral and agro-pastoral households in Garissa County, Kenya
Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptive Capacity in Garissa County, Kenya
Explore the impacts of climate change on livelihoods in pastoral and agro-pastoral households in Garissa County, Kenya.
Climate Change and Impact Research: The Mediterranean Environment (CIRCE)
Climate Change and Impact Research: the Mediterranean Environment (CIRCE) was an Integrated Project, funded under the European Commission's Sixth Framework Programme from 2007-2011.