A@A Knowledge Network meeting #2
Want to connect with and learn from others working on climate change adaptation in mountain regions?
Join the Adaptation at Altitude (A@A) Knowledge Network on the 19th September 13:00-14:00 BST for the opportunity to explore and take inspiration from different projects striving to reduce the impacts of climate change in different mountain areas across the globe.
Participants of the A@A Knowledge Network will be sharing their insights and project experience on advancing climate change adaptation in mountainous areas and highlighting their key goals and tasks for the remainder of 2023 and 2024. The presentations will be followed by a Q&A session to maximise learning opportunities. Sign up to attend the online meeting!
Visit the A@A Knowledge Network homepage to learn more and keep up-to-date with our activities.
Missed our first meeting? Check out our summary article!

We aim to post all comments and forum posts, but will not post anything that we consider unrelated to the topic under discussion. Your comment will be reviewed before publishing.