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Adaptation Governance and Green Climate Fund Readiness in Latin America and the Caribbean

Countries in Latin America and the Caribbean are utilizing the Green Climate Fund's Readiness Program in a variety of ways that demonstrate strong regional interest in good adaptation governance.
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Countries in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) have begun to utilize increasingly sophisiticated policy mechanisms to support adaptation implementation. As the Green Climate Fund (GCF) continues to expand and operationalize, its readiness program provides a new source of support for countries working to build capacity for adaptation governance.

This brief is the fifth in a series summarizing research carried out for the 2017 AdaptationWatch Report. It presents research from Javier Gonzales Iwanicw at Nur University, Bolivia, who argues that stong engagement with the readiness process across Latin America and the Carribean suggests a regional adaptation strategy built on broad participation, stakeholder coordination, and cross-sector planning that promotes transparency and accountability.

The results of the brief and accompanying policy pointers are provided below. Download the full text from the right-hand column for more detail.

Engagement with Green Climate Fund Readiness

The GCF Readiness Program provides up to USD 1 million per country per year in five activity areas:

  1. Strengthening of the focal point and designated national authorities
  2. Support for the development of strategic frameworks
  3. Selection of intermediary and/or implementing entities
  4. Development of program and project proposals, and
  5. Exchange of information and experiences.

The table below shows how countries in Latin America and the Carribean have engaged with this readiness framework in a variety of ways (numbers in the table correspond to the activities above):

Policy Pointers

  • Countries should work to put public policy instruments and good governance structures into place for effective adaptation implementation.
  • The GCF Readiness program can be an important source of funds an information for preparing to receive and utilize climate finance.
  • Broad participation, stakeholder coordination, and cross-sector planning are critical elements of strong public policymaking.
  • Monitoring and evaluation systems for adaptation implementation can ensure transparency, accountability, and effectiveness.

Key Message

The LAC region is making solid progress towards setting up institutional frameworks and rules that can foster adaptation. Some countries in the region are doing early work to build adaptation capacity. This, combined with GCF Readiness, has the potential to help drive up standards of governance to a level that would allow greater participation, and encourage increased transparency in decision-making, more effective public policies, and better accountability. Stakeholder coordination, sector-wide planning, and monitoring and evaluation are key elements for progress on adaptation.


Javier Gonzales Iwanciw, Nur University, Bolivia

Suggested Citation

Iwanciw, J. G. (2017). Adaptation Governance and Green Climate Fund Readiness in Latin America and the Caribbean.AdaptationWatch Weekly Briefing.

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