Promoting ambitious climate action for the Hindu Kush Himalaya

Mountains, glaciers and snow: Focus day on the HKH region
10:00–18:00 | Cryosphere pavilion, COP26 Blue Zone
TheHindu Kush Himalaya region, which is spread across Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal, and Pakistan is the pulse of the planet. With 18.23% of its landmass under snow cover, the HKH has the largest reserves of ice outside the polar regions. It is home to four global biodiversity hotspots and contains the headwaters of 10 major Asian river systems. What happens in this region affects the livelihoods of 240 million people living in the mountains, and 1.65 billion people living downstream. Together, the HKH provides essential resources, especially water and ecosystem services, to close to 2 billion people – or one-fourth of humanity.
The HKH region is also a climate hotspot. In a 1.5oC world, glaciers in the HKH are projected to lose one-third of their volume by 2100 (see video above). This will exacerbate climate-induced disasters in the region and have negative impacts on river flows and lives and livelihoods in the region and beyond.
This event, which was part of the #HKH2Glasgow programme of events over COP26, explored the scaling up of investment in mountain-specific climate priorities and low carbon development, saw the dissemination of high-impact solutions that can deliver climate action in the HKH region, and featured policy and youth perspectives on climate action.
Agenda and session recordings
10:00–11:30 – HKH high-level event
Mountains of opportunity: Ministerial dialogue to scale up investment in mountain-specific climate priorities in the HKH region
The event introduced “Mountains of opportunity” – an investment framework to help the HKH countries mobilize resources for investment in mountain-specific climate priorities.
Pema Gyamtsho, Izabella Koziell, Nanki Kaur, Pradyumna Rana, Deepshikha Sharma presented.
Making climate business in Nepal (hybrid event with deliberations from Kathmandu and Glasgow)
The event showcased Nepal’s approach to increasing investment in low carbon development and resilience.
Cryosphere science and adaptation solutions to scale up climate action in the HKH
This event will provide a platform for the dissemination of high-impact solutions that can deliver climate action in the HKH region at the speed and scale necessary.
Elevating adaptation action from the Alps to the Andes and HKH
Policy and youth perspectives on climate action + Launch of the HKH theme song
The event will provide a platform for policy makers and researchers on exchanging opportunities for cooperation to scale up adaption solutions for mountains. Youth from different mountains regions will also share their perspectives on the need for climate action. We will also be launching the HKH theme song music video.
HKH cryosphere cèilidh: Networking reception
This informal session will recap the proceedings of the day (with key messages) and will also include the launch of the HKH theme song music video and the screening of the Sustainable Summits film.
HKH at COP26
ICIMOD at UNFCCC COP26 – find out more about the #HKH2Glasgow campaign: Promoting ambitious climate action for the Hindu Kush Himalaya and view ICIMOD’s full schedule of engagements at COP26.
2020–2030 is an important decade for climate action. Read about the HKH and climate action.
Read more about the HKH and climate change in the The Hindu Kush Himalaya Assessment: Mountains, Climate Change, Sustainability and People.