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C3D+ Module: Adaptation planning

This module aims to build understanding on robust decision making to deal with uncertainty plus methods that could be used for adaptation screening.
Multiple Authors
  • Level: Introductory
  • Time commitment: 1-2 hours
  • Learning product: Workshop/event series
  • Sector: Multi-sector
  • Language: English
  • Certificate available: No


This module aims at building understanding on robust decision making to deal with uncertainty. It also includes approaches and different methods that could be used for adaptation screening. It has been developed under the C3D+ project and weLEARN. It has been included in several trainings, working with partners in South Africa (2010), and Senegal (2012). The idea is to develop this module further to include more methods or approaches for adaptation decision-making.

Adaptation planning can be informed by various tools and methods. The specification of the adaptation problem and the available inputs, views and preferences from different actors in the decision process inform the choice of methods, tools and approaches. Tools and methods will also vary according to the stage in the decision-making or adaptation planning cycle as shown in the figure below. An important principle is that there is no one method/approach/tool that suits all circumstances of the adaptation decision-making. Hence, it is important to look at their conditions of applicability. This principle is at the core of this adaptation planning module.

Different stages of the adaptation planning cycle (different adaptation tools for different stages in the cycle)

Review of adaptation decision tools – Adaptation tools review

Institutional background and trainer

  1. This module was developed with support from the “weLEARN” project and the “Climate Change Capacity Development (C3D+)” project. The funders were not involved in the design of these training materials and do not necessarily support the views advanced.

    This module was co-developed with advise/support from: Sukaina Bharwani (SEi); Ben Smith (SEI); Tahia Devisscher (SEI); Anna Taylor (SEI) ; Richard Taylor (SEI); Lawrence Flint (ENDA).

Where would this be useful?

Given the conditions of applicability, different tools and methods can be used to:

  • Raise awareness
  • Conduct vulnerability assessments
  • Operationalise adaptive management strategies
  • Address cross-sectoral adaptation mainstreaming
  • Mainstream sector-specific adaptation strategies
  • Address heterogeneity in the decision-making
  • Conduct an institutional capacity assessment
  • Capture complexity and climate risk screening
  • Conduct an economic analysis of climate change
  • Conduct monitoring and evaluation to assess adaptive capacity

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