CASE STUDIES: Analytical scope

Here are some case studies on several of the methods that are part of the Mediation Adaptation Pathfinder and the European 7th Framework Programme project Mediation (Methodology for Effective Decision-making on Impacts and AdaptaTION).
NAIADE/SMCE: Using Multi-Criteria Analysis To Address Water Issues

NAIADE is a multi-criteria analysis tool that is applied within a broader social multi-criteria evaluation (SMCE) method that combines quantitative and qualitative information through participatory processes to support decision-making. In this case, NAIADE was applied to address the perceived problem of under-exploitation of the potential availability of water resources in the town of Troina, located in a municipality of eastern Sicily, Italy. In 2000, different possible alternatives for action were analyzed using this tool in order to help the local town administration.
More information: Download case study here
Institutional Analysis
PACT: Helping Companies Assess Their Strategic Exposure To Climate Risks

The developers of PACT apply this tool to help companies assess their strategic exposure to climate change, analyzing how resilient or vulnerable they are and identifying possible projects which offer win-win outcomes and accelerated strategic learning so as to build a routemap towards sharp strategies for change. The tool uses nine ‘complementary areas’ or ‘pathways’ to measure organizational change in terms of ‘response levels’ or scales that an organization can achieve.
UPDATE: Since 2013 PACT has been rebranded as Climate Capacity Diagnosis & Development.Read more about CaDD here.
More information: Download case study here
ORCHID: Screening Climate Risks To Development Cooperation In India

ORCHID is a risk management approach to portfolio screening that stresses both the risks and opportunities of climate change. It identifies how climate change concerns can be combined with ongoing programmes, in particular through strengthening components related to disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation. This tool has been applied in India, where large numbers of people depend on climate sensitive sectors for their livelihoods. With up to half of the DFID-India portfolio of development programmes exposed to climate risk, the organization decided risk management needed to be accelerated urgently.
More information: Download case study here
Economic Analysis
ADAM: A Macro-Economic Analysis And An Adaptation Catalogue Of Adaptation Options In Europe

The Digital Compendium of the ADAM project includes:
(1) A macro-economic analysis, a meta-analysis of climate change impacts;
(2) Vulnerability and adaptation assessments in Europe;
(3) Learning examples;
(4) And an adaptation catalogue.
The macro-economic analysis was conducted to estimate the monetary effects of climate change and adaptation for different European countries.
More information: Download case study here
Monitoring & Evaluation
ESPACE: Monitoring And Evaluating Organizational Change To Address Climate Change Challenges

Under the ESPACE project, partners developed the ESPACE Adaptive Capacity Benchmarking Handbook and Toolkit. The handbook helps prepare and guide users through a review of their organisation to see how far they have developed their adaptive responses to climate change. In this sense, it is a very useful and easy-to-apply tool to monitor and evaluate organizational change and strategic decision-making. To help an organisation see where and how to develop different levels of response, the tool gathers and organises information about nine organisational ‘pathways’ or complementary capacities (comparable to ‘competencies’ at an individual level), which need to improve together if change is to take place.
More information: Download case study here
Review of Adaptation Decision Tools
Introduction: Reviewing of adaptation decision tools
Reviewing tools that use a bottom-up approach & recommendations
Conditions of Applicability
Case Studies