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Citing weADAPT

Here you can find information on how to cite and reference information you find on weADAPT.

If you use material from weADAPT, we ask you and your networks to acknowledge the source in the following style:

Author(s), Article/Case Study Title. (Date published – you can find this at the top of any Article/Case Study). On weADAPT, the Collaborative Platform on Climate Adaptation. (Date information retrieved), from

NB: If the Article/Case Study is specific to weADAPT (i.e. there is no associated publication, only the article/case study entry), use the date of publication on weADAPT. For formal articles published under peer-reviewed journals, use the article’s own citation; this is often included as a suggested citation in the bottom of the article.

Please note: The text in weADAPT articles and case studies that are associated with uploaded publications very closely reflect the content of that publication; however, this text has often been edited from its original form. If you wish to quote text, please refer to the original text in publication, not in the weADAPT article/case study.

So an example for the Mapping vulnerability Article would be:

Zermoglio, F, Smith, B, Taylor, R and Bharwani, S. Mapping vulnerability (30th March 2011). On weADAPT, the Collaborative Platform on Climate Adaptation. Accessed 17 April 2011 from

For a Case Study this would be:

Frank, J, Coffee farming on the slopes of Mount Elgon: Increasing resilience to climate change, Eastern Uganda (10th March 2011). On weADAPT, the Collaborative Platform on Climate Adaptation. Accessed 27 April 2011 from

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