C3D+ Project Profile Page


The project Capacity Development for Adaptation to Climate Change & GHG Mitigation in Non-Annex I Countries (C3D+) ran from 2011-2015. It sought to improve the capacity of research and training institutions in developing countries to support climate change adaptation and mitigation action.
The project brought together six organizations located in developing countries and three global organizations from Africa Asia, Europe, the Pacific and the Caribbean to collectively form a knowledge and capacity development network. Each centre contributed its specialised experience to develop and apply tools and methodologies to support decision-making for climate change adaptation and mitigation.
What is C3D+?
The C3D+ project promotes an institutionalised and sustainable approach to capacity building by strengthening endogenous capacities in Non-Annex I countries to address climate change by:
- Promoting dialogue to make development more sustainable by integrating climate change issues into national sustainable development strategies;
- Placing developing countries in a better position to effectively engage in the UNFCCC process;
- Increasing human and institutional capacities in targeted developing countries through training and institutional strengthening.

“What sets C3D+ apart is the South‑South‑North collaboration of partners, testing of tools in the field through participatory processes, and a commitment to link research with policy making.” Mr. Secou Sarr Environnement et Développement du Tiers Monde – ENDA
Participating Organisations
The partners of the C3D+ project collaborate and use their specific expertise and experience in the following activity areas:
- Developing and testing of tools & methods that guide policy and decision-making for climate change adaptation,mitigation and mainstreaming
- Enhance capacity of beneficiaries to use and apply the tools & methodologies
- Strengthen the institutional capacity of C3D+ partners to deliver training
CCCCC – Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre CIFOR – Center for International Forestry Research CSAG – Climate Systems Analysis Group: University of Cape Town ENDA-TM Environnement et Développement du Tiers Monde ERC-UCT – Energy Research Centre – University of Cape Town IISD – International Institute for Sustainable Development MIND – Munasinghe Institute for Development SPREP Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme SEI – Stockholm Environment Institute
Key Lessons Learnt

- Tool selection and development should always start with the identification of a specific problem or issue that needs to be resolved.
- Tools need to be adjusted to the specific context for which they are intended, to ensure that they have desired impact. This means that field testing among users is fundamentally important.
- Effective collaboration between partners requires a combination of commitment, time, resources, good relationships, as well as compatible institutional cultures.
- Capacity development needs to be continuous and embedded throughout activity implementation, but critically linked to a specific outcomes or objectives – “capacity development for what?” remains a central question in any related training event.
- Decision makers, climate scientists and communities benefit from understanding each other’s thinking processes and can achieve better results when encouraged to work together.
- How to fight in a sustainable way against adverse effects of climate change in West Africa: the case of local knowledge practices.
- Flooding in the Sahel: Living with and Managing the Impacts of Climate Change in Diamaguène Sicap-Mbao, Senegal
- Risk communication in the context of climate change.
- PACC Project Case Study: Vanuatu Vital Roads, Epi Island Coastal Infrastructure.
- PACC Case Study: Tuvalu Vital Water.
- PACC Case Study: Fiji Vital Food Security and Food Production.
Training was conducted under the C3D+ project and weLEARN, working with partners in Senegal (2009), South Africa (2010), and Zambia (2010). The following modules are available :