Climate adaptation training courses

All of the online materials in the weADAPT Climate Training theme are based on different training courses that SEI and partners have delivered. This material covers a range of topics in the areas of climate information analysis, vulnerability assessment and adaptation planning.
On this page we list and provide links to some of the courses that were drawn on when developing the theme. By courses we meana set of lessons and/or a plan of study on the subjects. We alsodraw on worked examples from different research projects that have been used in the training.
* Please be aware that some of the courses listed here are quite old and may need to be reviewed alongside newer content.
Courses on climate change adaptation
- The ‘Winter School’ (organized by CSAG at the University of Cape Town, South Africa)
- The ‘Adaptation Academy’ (organized by GCAP in the UK),
- The ‘Climate and Development Workshop’ (organized by ENDA),
- The ‘Advanced Training Programme on Climate Change – Mitigation and Adaptation‘ (coordinated by the SMHI in Sweden)
If you would like to include courses on this list to be shared with weADAPT members and the wider climate adaptation community, please get in touch with the contributors