Advanced Training Programme on Climate Change – Mitigation and Adaptation
- Level: Advanced
- Time commitment: 5 weeks
- Learning product: Course
- Sector: Multi-sector
- Language: English / French
- Certificate available: Yes
The SMHI Advanced Training Programme on Climate Change – Mitigation and Adaptation is designed for decision makers in developing countries who hold positions in their home organisation with mandate to initiate change on local to national level.
Participants access the latest research and development in their areas of work, are supervised by skilled Swedish colleagues and experts, develop a network of colleagues from other countries and enhance knowledge in new working methods.
This training programme aims at combating negative impacts of climate change on vulnerable people’s livelihood by increasing knowledge, strengthening institutions and developing capacity related to climate change. This is achieved through supporting processes of change in organisations responsible for taking national strategies and policies into action on national, district or local level.
The programme focuses on how to integrate available climate information in a correct way to carry out sustainable adaptation measures, and therefore places great emphasis on the end-user of climate information, as well as on technical and hands-on content.
The duration of the training is 10-12 months divided into five compulsory phases, out of which five weeks are full time scheduled courses/seminars in Sweden and in the participant’s home region. An important part of the training is an Assignment which the participant carries out from home with distance advisor support.
More information about this course and how to apply can be found on SMHI’s web site
MENA and West Africa regional training resources
At the MENA regional seminar in Amman and Aqaba in Jordan in May 2011, weADAPT ran a hands-on training session where participants learnt how to share their projects on the Adaptation Layer and got an overview of some adaptation decision support tools. We ran a similar course in West Africa, the outputs of which are shown below.
Please note: these resources were created in 2010-2011 and will need to be updated.
- Part I – Criteria for selection of adaptation decision tools
- Adaptation Tools Session: Exercise Guidelines
- Climate Change Adaptation Portals: a comparison
- Highlights of New Version of WEAP
- Helpful Data for WEAP
International training programme group pages
Find pages for current and previous training groups, including links to participant’s adaptation and mitigation projects.
(4) Comments
Great opportunity to learn
Looking forward to Climate change training where and when it will be.
Hi @Rashid Kulmiye, you can find details of upcoming training opportunities with SMHI here:
All the best, Julia
thanks, am so happy to join this group.