Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation

The Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation (Intact Centre) is an applied research centre with a national focus within the Faculty of Environment at the University of Waterloo. The Intact Centre helps homeowners, communities, governments and businesses to identify, and reduce, risks associated with climate change and extreme weather events in Canada.
To this end, the Centre is an incubator of new adaptation ideas, conducting research, knowledge mobilization and promoting initiatives aimed at de-risking the negative impacts of a changing climate and extreme weather, such as flooding, wildfire and extreme heat.
Host Organisation:Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation, University of Waterloo.
Launch date:January 2016.
Update status: The Intact Centre website is updated on an ongoing basis.
Funding:The Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation is supported through a funding agreement with Intact Financial, Canada’s largest property and casualty insurance provider.
Team:Website content and resources are developed by the staff at the Intact Centre in the form of page content and reports. Staff contributors include: Dr. Blair Feltmate, Head, Cheryl Evans, Director of Home Flood Protection, Kathryn Bakos, Director of the Climate Finance and Science Programs, Joanna Eyquem, Director of Climate Programs, Quebec.
Since the Intact Centre is a bilingual organization, French language translation services are contracted out to ensure all resources are available in English and French. Taylor Legere, Manager, updates the content on the platform, often with the help of a University of Waterloo Co-op student or part time contract employee.
Main functions:
- Raising awareness on the need for climate change adaptation
- Providing guidance on how to undertake adaptation
- Providing decision-support tools for adaptation decision-making
- Sharing adaptation solutions and case studies
- Sharing scientific literature and research on adaptation
Intended audiences:
- National-level decision makers / national government
- City and regional-level decision-makers / local government
- Communities / general public
- Teachers / educators
- Private sector / businesses
- Research community
- Civil society (NGO / charities)
Focus sectors for the platform:
- Health
- Infrastructure / built environment
- Finance / insurance
- Disaster risk
- Resilience and Adaptation resources for residents, businesses and governments in the areas of flood, urban interface wildfire, and urban heat
Why the platform was established
The Intact Centre website was established to communicate the organization’s mission, vision, goals, staff and advisory panel members, share reports and other research outputs, provide portal to access training programs and risk assessment tools, and provide the opportunity for users to contact the Centre.