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Climate Policy Brief for COP 21 (Paris) In View of Cambodia’s Priorities and Special Circumstances as a Climate Vulnerable Least Developed Country (LDC)

This brief discusses the state of climate negotiations (July 2015), presents possible scenarios for the remaining steps and assesses policy options in view of Cambodia's (LDC) priorities


This policy briefing (download available in right-hand column) aims to support Cambodia’s position and active participation in the 2015 climate talks leading up to COP21 in Paris. It is written with a view on Cambodia as one of the most climate vulnerable countries in the world, embarking on the positions of the Least Developed Country group (LDC), and having defined its national priorities in the Climate Change Response Strategic Plan (2014-2023), as adopted by the Kingdom of Cambodia in 2013. The briefing describes the current state of negotiations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), that are expected to lead to the adoption of a legally binding post 2020 climate agreement, applicable to all parties, in Paris at COP21. Comparing the current status of negotiations with the priorities of Cambodia, and reflecting the key positions of the LDC group, various scenario and policy options are presented and discussed. The authors conclude with policy recommendations that may help Cambodian stakeholders, inter alia civil society and the government to form positions and engage in the UNFCCC process in a way that leads to the best possible outcome in view of the country’s needs and priorities.

Key Policy Options

In response to the threat of climate change Cambodia has elaborated its strategy to close gaps, reduce risks, improve resilience and use the potential of low carbon technologies for development. COP21 provides an opportunity at both the national and international levels to deepen co-operation with stakeholders and partners, to link up national and international processes, and to contribute to enabling international framework conditions, leading to a new era of fostered international collaboration. Cambodia can contribute to the dawn of the new era by taking a proactive and committed stand in climate talks. Summarizing the results from our assessment, we recommend considering the following strategic priorities:

  • Long term goal: accompany the efforts to limit global warming to a maximum of 1.5/2°C increase with a net-zero emission goal
  • Incremental implementation: establish a mechanism for reviewing and up/out-scaling commitments and actions
  • Transparency framework with common measurement, reporting and cerification (MRV) principles for all except Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing Countries (SIDs)
  • Adaptation goal(s), backed by institutional framework and support for resilience
  • Recognition of loss & damage and strengthening of the Warsaw International Mechanism (WIM) anchored in agreement
  • Ensuring predictable finance of at least $100bn, with preferential access for LDCs/SIDs
  • Additional steps to close the pre-2020 gap, assessed annually by ministerial under Workstream 2 of the UNFCCC Ad Hoc Working Group of the Durban Platform on Enhanced Action (ADP WS2).

This policy briefing (download in right-hand column) was written by Thomas Hirsch and Tirthankar Mandal from Climate & Development Advice as part of the DIPECHO project.

Climate Policy Brief for COP 21 (Paris) In View of Cambodia's Priorities and Special Circumstances


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