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Frequently Asked Questions

Common questions and answers about weADAPT can be found here!
weadapt logo in black and yellow: a fish with man legs
Credit: Damián Navas

1. What is weADAPT?

2. I am a researcher / project officer / policy maker…..what can weADAPT do for me?

3. How do I register on weADAPT?

4. Why should I fill out my profile?

5. Can I trust the content on weADAPT?

6. What is a Theme?

7. How do I add an article?

8. How do I add my project to the Adaptation Layer?

9. What is a weADAPT Knowledge Network Partner?

10. What are the current Themes I can share information on?

11. What is a community of practice?

12. What are the license conditions?

13. How do I cite weADAPT resources?

14. How do I add a video within my content?

15. Can I get a password for the Climate Change Explorer? – For more information on the new version of the CCE – the Climate Information Portal – please see

Add your project

Exchange your climate change adaptation projects and lessons learned with the global community.