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NCAP Ghana: Land Management

The lack of adequate land management practices has contributed towards a number of critical problems including a decline in soil quality, a reduction in biomass production, a disruption of carbon cycles, and a reduction in soil organic carbon pools. Key findings showed that the situation was particularly severe in the Upper East Region (UER) where land degradation usually leads to desertification and where local vulnerability is particularly high. In the UER, more and more land is cultivated, indigenous crop varieties are nearing extinction, land is perpetually overgrazed especially under conditions of reduced rainfall, and there is a growing scarcity of firewood. Combined, these factors have led to a land degradation crisis in the region. This trend is accelerating due to lack of coordinated land policy and disincentives for land conservation.


Several adaptation options will be instrumental in helping Ghanaian communities to adapt to the impacts of climate change on land resources:

  • Review existing legal and institutional framework: The Land Planning and Soil Conservation (Amendment) Act of 1957 should be reviewed regarding how well it comports with project climate change conditions.
  • Enhance options for women: Special consideration needs to be made to improve access of women to opportunities, especially in northern Ghana. This should also include mechanisms by which women can gain access to land and credit.
  • Develop land information systems: Zoning, mapping and production of land resource management plans should be promoted and coordinated at the national, regional and district levels in order to build adaptive capacity.

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