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Exploring tools from a GOALS – oriented lens

Some tools are used to achieve a particular goal. In this section, the tools have been classified according to three goals.
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Some tools are used to achieve a particular goal. In this section, the tools have been classified according to three goals:

  • 1. Awareness raising;
  • 2. Developing programmes, projects and policies for implementing strategies;
  • 3. And operationalizing adaptive management strategies.

The table below shows how some tools are oriented towards these objectives:

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Three features of the tools analyzed have been used to describe their potential in reaching these three goals: their objectives, the user groups they target, and their outputs.

Awareness raising

Example: ORCHID: Mainstreaming Adaptation In Development Investments In the Water Sector In China

The UKCIP tools BACLIAT and the Adaptation Wizard, as well as ADAM, all contribute to raising awareness in different ways, as described in the table below:

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Developing programmes, projects, and policies for implementing strategies

Example: CRiSTAL: Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment In Zambia

Some tools help assess the impacts of programmes, projects and policies in order to implement strategies that:

  1. Assess the impacts of climate change;
  2. Develop and evaluate some adaptive strategies;
  3. And assess programmes, projects and policies, in order to reduce their negative impacts and promote better efficiency and sustainability.

These tools are mainly PACT, ESPACE, CRiSTAL, ORCHID, and ADAM, as listed in the table below:

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Operationalizing adaptive management strategies

Example: SMCE/NAIADE: Evaluating The Effects Of The Alumysa Project In The Aysén Region In Chile

The third goal that is examined in this window is the operationalization of adaptive management strategies. The tools that help reach this goal are SMCE/NAIADE, PACT, ESPACE, and CRiSTAL, as listed in the table below:

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View our

Case studies: Goals-oriented lens

Review of Adaptation Decision Tools

Introduction: Reviewing of adaptation decision tools

Reviewing tools that use a bottom-up approach & recommendations



UKCIP Adaptation Wizard

PACT (Note: this tool has been superseeded by CaDD)





Conditions of Applicability



Analytical scope

Case Studies

Goals-oriented lens

Sector-oriented lens

Analytical scope lens

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