Great Adaptations Podcast

Developed by The Glacier Trust (TGT), the Great Adaptations podcast explores the themes of climate change adaptation and climate justice through in-depth interviews with with leading figures in the field. There are currently 4 episodes which are around1-hour long. They include discussions with climate justice campaigners, politicians, practitioners and academics.
Listen to these episodes below, or find them on the TGT website.
This weADAPT article is an abridged version of the original text, which can be downloaded from the right-hand column. Please access the original text for more detail, research purposes, full references, or to quote text.
Episode 1: Asad Rehman
In the first episode, Glacier Trust’s UK Co-Director Morgan Phillips talks to Asad Rehman, climate justice campaigner and executive director of War on Want. The discussion explores questions such as:
- The historic reluctance of the environmental movement to frame the climate crisis as a crisis of capitalism
- The issues with siloing climate change off into camps like ‘mitigation’ and ‘adaptation’
- The tensionbetween global North countries, who view the UNFCCC process as being about net zero goals, and global South countries, who are asking for compensation for losses and damage, and funding for adaptation.
Episode 2: Leanne Wood
In the second episode, Morgan Phillips talks to politician, podcaster, and social justice championLeanne Wood. Topics explored include:
- Leanne’s time as Plaid Cymru’s sustainability spokesperson
- The root causes and solutions to the climate crisis
- The work Leanne is doing to call for a public inquiry into the flash floods that hit the Rhondda valley in February 2020.
Episode 3: Morgan Phillips
The third episode consists of a recording of Morgan Phillips’ 2021 speech to launch ‘Great Adaptations – In the shadow of a climate crisis’ and its sibling book ‘Climate Adaptation: Accounts of Resilience, Self-sufficiency, and Systems Change’.
Episode 4: Lisa Schipper
In the fourth episode, Morgan Phillips interviews Dr Lisa Schipper, a world leading academic on climate change adaptation.
Dr. Schipperis Co-Editor of the journal Climate and Development, sits on the Editorial Boards of two more – World Development Perspectivesand Global Transitions – Health, and is Associate Editor of Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change.She is also Co-ordinating Lead Author of Chapter 18 of the Working Group 2 contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which focuses on ‘Climate Resilient Development Pathways’.
- Interrogating ‘Effectiveness’ in Climate Change Adaptation: 11 Guiding Principles for Adaptation Research and Practice
- Unpacking Transformation: A framework and insights from adaptation mainstreaming
- Are European decision-makers preparing for high-end climate change?
- Climate justice for people and nature through urban Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA): a focus on the Global South