Human Capacity Development for Enhancing Climate Services for Infrastructure Investments

This resource was submitted by the Climate Risk Institute for use by the CanAdapt Climate Change Adaptation Community of Practice.
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The overall objective of the training course is to promote awareness about the topic of climate proofing of infrastructure investments amongst numerous national and local stakeholders such as policy makers and planners from infrastructure-related sector ministries and authorities. The training approach focuses on institutional/policy/governance related, as well as technical/methodological related aspects of climate proofing of infrastructure. The suggested didactic methods and tools support the adult learning processes.
The overall objectives of the training are:
- Enhancing professional capacity on the concept of climate proofing of infrastructure investments and its practical implications for decision making
- Enhancing awareness on how to utilize climate services & information for evidence-based and resource-sensitive climate proofing of infrastructure
- Enhancing professional capacities to use Climate Services in the climate proofing of infrastructure
- Enhancing awareness on capacity and resource requirements for executing and managing climate proofing processes
- Enhancing awareness on roles and responsibilities as well as stakeholder involvement in the process of climate proofing of infrastructure projects
- Enhance the capacity of trainers to train decision makers and technical staff.
- Enhance the capacity of trainers to facilitate climate-proofing processes themselves.
Training formats:
The training can be carried out in two different formats;
- As a Training of Trainers (ToT) where the content of the training is a blend of training on didactics and on the subject of climate services and climate proofing of infrastructure investments. The success of a ToT training critically depends on the identification of those trainees who will further carry on the training tasks. Therefore, an important focus shall be on the selection of potential ToT trainees and, as appropriate, involve them in ongoing and future training activities with some adequate incentives in order to support their commitments in delivering trainings.
- As a technical training for decision makers and practitioners (Hydro-Met staff, engineers, infrastructure operators, legal experts), that require on-the-job training on the topics laid down to engage in transformative processes towards resilient infrastructure.
Concept & methodology
The training follows GIZ standards and applies up-to-date didactical approaches in adult and participatory training. The training is based on an integrated concept considering the diversity of contents, methods and tools.
The core methodological approach follows the principles of the Harvard Case Study approach that supports adult learning from experience: Introduction to the topic – Group exercise with a given case – Presentation of results – Reflection on relevance to participants’ needs and future applications. This method includes interactive exercises that integrate emotions and movement into sustainable learning processes. The ToT has the capacity to adjust training contents based on the country’s specific needs, depending on the main objective of partner organizations in the countries and the available profile of the designated participants.
Suggested Citation:
‘Human Capacity Development for Enhancing Climate Services for Infrastructure Investments,’ (2019), BMU & GIZ.
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