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ICTs, Climate Change and Development: Case Evidence

Twenty new case studies on ICTs, climate change and development in the topic areas of: disaster management, new routes to adaptation, agricultural adaptation, mitigation, monitoring and strategy.

Introduction and overview

This book presents twenty new case studies on ICTs, climate change and development in the topic areas of: disaster management, new routes to adaptation, agricultural adaptation, mitigation, monitoring and strategy.

This is a complementary volume to the book “ICTs, Climate Change and Development: Themes and Strategic Actions”, which reviews current evidence on this topic and offers strategic recommendations for policy, practice and future research. In this book, we present a set of twenty new case studies which were commissioned by the IDRC funded research project, “Climate Change, Innovation and ICTs”.

Suggested citation

Heeks, R and Ospina, A, V., 2012 (eds). ICTs, Climate Change and Development: Case Evidence. Centre for Development Informatics, Institute for Development Policy and Management, SED.

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