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Integrating Climate Risk Information into NAPs, UN CC:eLearn course

The course Integrating Climate Risk Information into NAPs shows how to strengthen National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) through appropriate climate information and coordinated policy action, enabling different types of institutions and actors to work together in a collaborative framework, drawing on the resources of the global hydro-meteorological community at large.
Automatic weather station. Credit: UNCC:eLearn
Automatic weather station. Credit: UNCC:eLearn
Introducing Climate Information Services. Credit: UNCC:e-Learn
  • Level: Introductory
  • Time commitment: 6 hours
  • Learning product: online self paced course
  • Sector: multiple
  • Language: English
  • Certificate available: on UN CC:e-Learn

This course is hosted on UN CC:e-Learnfunded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation – see the SDC Climate Change and Environment Network on weADAPT for more information. Please find the Integrating Climate risk information into NAPs course, where you can download the syllabus and enrol for full access.


In a world that is looking less likely to stay within 2°C of global warming compared to the pre-industrial levels, individuals need to make choices between a range of possible actions requiring information on past, present and potential future climate conditions. Adapting to climate change requires the development of the best available scientific information about climate trends and their societal impacts.

The course Integrating Climate Risk Information into NAPs shows how to strengthen National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) through appropriate climate information and coordinated policy action, enabling different types of institutions and actors to work together in a collaborative framework, drawing on the resources of the global hydro-meteorological community at large.

This course is hosted onUN CC:e-Learnfunded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation – see theSDC Climate Change and Environment Network on weADAPT for more information. Please find the course, where you can download the syllabus and enrol for full access to Integrating climate risk information into NAPs.

Institutional background and trainer

WMO-led Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS), WMO and UNITAR developed the capacity building e-learning materials in support of a wider training package on “Integration Climate Risk Information into National Adaptation Planning”. The aim of this e-learning component is to contribute to capacity building that will bridge the information and communication gaps currently affecting the demand for climate information services and their supply

Who would find this useful?

The target audience for the e-learning course is broadly categorized in two groups: climate services users (e.g. decision makers, private investors, etc) and climate services providers (National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs), research and international organizations, etc.):

  • Decision-makers and politicians responsible to establish policy frameworks and regulations that define generation, collection, analysis and provision of climate information services;
  • Technical experts and government officials in need of climate services to support decisions necessary for integrating climate risks into sectors (health, energy, water, agriculture and DRR, etc.);
  • Private sector representatives interested in getting more involved in climate-resilient investment opportunities; and
  • NGOs, grass-root organizations and stakeholders groups looking for information and guidance on how to help vulnerable communities to cope with climate change risks and impacts.

Training material

The course is designed to respond the learning needs of both climate services providers (National Hydro-meteorological Services, research/academic and international organizations), and users (e.g. decision makers, private investors, non-governmental organizations, etc.), as well as of those working at the science-policy interface for outreach or communication purposes.

The training is modular and provides you with the liberty to choose and combine different thematic modules. Modules are delivered as interactive lessons with activities, quizzes, reading and so on

Intro: Introducing Climate Information Services

This module is introductory. It provides the relevant terminology, the global context and, together with the self-assessment, it will help you to decide in which learning track to enroll.

Understanding Climate Risks

This module will explore key indicators and indexes for evaluating climate risks in GFCS priority sectors. Specifically, it will focus on the key steps for analyzing extremes in a changing climate, supporting informed decisions for adaptation.

Supportive Climate Information Systems

This module will focus on the way in which climate information products and services support each element of the NAP process. Furthermore, it will present some possible solutions for increasing capacity and effectiveness of climate information service providers.

Climate Science for Adaptation

This module will explain the role of climate information in the international policy framework for climate change. It will describe standardized approaches to climate risk assessment and explore how these approaches can increase the value of climate investments.

Building Better NAPs

This module will outline how climate information products and services support the elements of the NAP process. Furthermore, it will present some of the best available sources of climate information for adaptation decision-making.

Wrap-up: National Dialogues for Climate Action

This module will explore how climate services require multi-disciplinary and multi-institutional collaboration across national institutions and sectoral stakeholders. Furthermore, it will present how WMO and GFCS is committed to increase the capacity of climate information service providers as well as improve the dialogue between stakeholders in all climate-sensitive sectors.

Lessons Learnt

By completing the course learners will be able to:

  1. Describe the importance of climate information in adaptation planning and decision-making.
  2. Identify technical resources for assessing climate risks.
  3. Explore the role of National Hydro-meteorological Services in the NAP process.
  4. Discuss how priority climate actions can be enhanced by climate scientific information
  5. Identify climate products and services that support NAPs.
  6. Discuss how to promote effective partnerships between climate information producers and users.

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