International Centre of Excellence on Transforming Development and Disaster Risk

Development is vital for disaster risk reduction (DRR), yet current unsustainable development models are driving and creating disaster risks, for example, in the removal of mangrove forests that act as natural storm-surge protection barriers in favour of beachfront property development. At the same time, disasters can destroy development gains, but existing DRR approaches are not sufficiently contributing to sustainable development. Transformation is increasingly considered as a legitimate and necessary pathway for moving from development patterns that increase, create or unfairly distribute risks, towards more equitable, resilient and sustainable development outcomes.
The International Centre of Excellence on Transforming Development and Disaster Risk (ICoE-TDDR) seeks to transform the relationship between development and DRR. We work with academic, policy, development and private sector partners at global, regional and sub-national levels to advance scientific knowledge and support policy and practice to enact transformations towards more equitable, resilient and sustainable societies, in line with the Sendai Framework for DRR and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our focus on transformation highlights the need for systemic change from social and political systems that create and perpetuate risk, and lead to socially unjust and unsustainable development outcomes, to systems where sustainable development and DRR work in unison to address the root causes of risk.
ICoE-TDDR is hosted by the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and supported by the Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR) programme.
Our Aim and Objectives
ICOE-TDDR seeks to advance understanding and application of transformation within development and disaster risk policy and practice, leading to equitable, resilient and sustainable development.
Scientific research | To co-produce research that demonstrates the need for greater focus on transformation among the DRR and development research communities, enabling more equitable, resilient and sustainable development. |
Policy engagement | To support sub-national, national and regional government institutions in advancing transformative DRR and development policies and implementation plans, including those relating to the Sendai Framework and SDGs. |
Capacity development | To develop the capacities of scientists, decision-makers and practitioners that work to understand and transform the relationship between development and disaster risk for solutions towards equitable, resilient and sustainable development. |