Since 2013 PACT has been rebranded as Climate Capacity Diagnosis & Development. The CaDD service has been provided and developed by Climate Sense and Trioss. New developments have predominantly been in 2 key areas:
- Identifying systemic interdependencies more effectively to identify “hot spots” where capacity development will have greatest impact (higher capacity isn’t needed everywhere all of the time)
- Gaining a deeper understanding and capturing new behaviours that are emerging, particularly from high capacity organisations that are innovating and mainstreaming new practice.
Read more about CaDD here.
Performance Acceleration through Capacity-building Tool (PACT)
Developed by Hampshire County Council (HCC) in the UK and Alexander Ballard Ltd, the Performance Acceleration Climate Tool (PACT) identifies a number of principles underlying effective change by organisations on climate change issues. PACT is sometimes described as an organisational development tool because it gathers and organises information about nine organisational capacities or ‘pathways’ necessary for improved performance, based on these principles. PACT reviewers use the tool to identify what pathways are holding back progress within the organisation and suggest ways in which performance could be improved. If performance in any one pathway lags behind, it is likely to impair the overall organizational response to climate change. Because the pathways are ‘complementary’, progress needs to be made along each one at the same rate. So it becomes necessary to understand where each ‘pathway’ stands relative to others.

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To evaluate performance and how responses to climate change improve, PACT assesses the nine capacities or pathways of a particular organization in relation to six levels of response, each of which represents an increase in complexity and also the capacity of an organisation to deal with climate change. Organisations become active at different response levels as they develop their understanding of climate change and of how to respond to it. Each higher level of response is built on the foundation of the level below. The output of the PACT tool helps an organization to see where and how to develop different levels of response through gathering and organising information about the nine organisational pathways, which need to improve together if change is to take place.

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Review of Adaptation Decision Tools
Introduction: Reviewing of adaptation decision tools
Reviewing tools that use a bottom-up approach & recommendations
Conditions of Applicability
Case Studies