Platform output papers and presentations
Platform output papers and presentations.
Working Papers
Please include a summary page linked to each entry containing Title, Lead Author(s), Date, Available Formats etc.
- ADAPT-07-001 A decision framework for micro-insurance using climate change exposure ensemble ranges for robust and scaled financial risk management Takeshi Takama, Archana Shrestha et al. (2007)
- ADAPT-08-002 Climate Change and Adaptation in African Agriculture (2008), prepared by Ziervogel, G, Cartwright, A., Tas, A., Adejuwon, J., Zermoglio, F., Shale, M. and Smith, B., and supported by the Rockefeller Foundation.
- ADAPT-08-003 Circe foundation paper
- Summary from an Economic Study on the Cost of “Business as Usual” for the State of Oregon, United States Climate Leadership Initiative and EcoNorthwest. 2009.
a place to keep these, cross-linked to text, useful while we share material. View the wikitations by selecting the relevant links”
- Platform GVA Meetings2007 -Compatibility Mode-.pdf Geneva Tools Meeting Presentation
- weADAPT and the Climate Change Explorer, view presentation from May 2008.
- Integrating Socio-Economic Information – a presentation from the Nairobi work program Meeting on Socio-Economic Information.
Climate Change Explorer
- Poster proposal for an agent-based water resources of the modelling study, Tana River basin, Kenya.
- Climate Envelopes Poster presented at the EGU General Assembly 2008
Briefings to Download
- Policy brief on Effective use of climate science to improve adaptation in Africa
- The Climate Change Explorer – a briefing document
- The wiki – a briefing document
- weADAPT Partnerships
- The Climate Adaptation Decision Explorer
- The weADAPT Adaptation Layer for Google Earth
- Economics of Adaptation
- Climate Adaptation Targets