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Round-table Event – Adapting to climate change in mountain areas: What solutions work?

Credit: Christian Joudrey (Unsplash)

Date and time

20 February, 2-3PM CET, online event


The Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and Adaptation at Altitude (A@A) programme are supporting parliaments in addressing the impacts of climate change in mountains and building the resilience of mountain ecosystems and mountain populations. Following the success of the International Mountain Day webinar series (2020-2023) and the joint issue brief Responding to climate change in the mountains: Opportunities for parliamentarians to act, the IPU and A@A are organizing a round-table discussion with parliamentarians, focusing on policies and good practices for addressing climate change in mountain areas.

This round-table discussion will convene a group of parliamentarians from different regions to explore how they can drive climate action, including the implementation of NDCs. It will provide a platform for knowledge-sharing among parliamentarians, highlighting challenges, opportunities and national examples of how climate change in mountain areas is being addressed.

The round-table is designed to be informal and dynamic to maximize interactivity. It seeks to discuss the following questions:

  • What are parliamentarians’ needs and priorities for advancing climate action in mountain areas? Are specific types of support or guidance required?
  • What are some examples of parliamentary action, including legislative action, to ensure mountains are included in national efforts to address climate change? If mountains are not included in national climate action, what are the barriers to this?
  • How can parliamentarians use their oversight functions to hold their governments accountable on NDC implementation, including in mountain areas?
  • How can parliamentarians engage with mountain communities to ensure their climate adaptation needs are being addressed?

The insights gathered in this round-table discussion will inform the development of a collection of best practices for addressing climate change in mountain areas. Examples of climate action identified in the discussion may also be featured on the A@A Solutions Portal. These contributions will be available to a wider audience and will be instrumental in shaping future policy responses to climate change in mountain areas.

Simultaneous interpretation will be offered in French.

Registration details

You can register for the event here.

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