Sustainable development publications, tools and approaches

The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) works to reduce poverty, make development sustainable and overcome global risks. SDC supports and collaborates with partners in Switzerland and abroad in creating policy and ground-level solutions to important local, national and global challenges and promotes the dissemination and exchange of knowledge-based products that can contribute to sustainable development worldwide.
This page brings together key reports, methodologies, briefs, case studies and other knowledge resources that have been produced by SDC and/or its partners and which may be of interest to sustainable development practitioners.
The PDFs for each title (and language preference) listed below can be accessed by clicking on the relevant link.
Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Resources
Tools & Guidance
Climate, Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction Integration Guidance (CEDRIG) [2016] Developed by: the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change and Environment Networks Learn more about CEDRIG and download related resources here. [In English, Spanish, French and German]
Guía de Preparación para la Atención de Desastres y/o Emergencias [2016] Developed by: SDC (Cooperación Suiza) Bolivia [Spanish]
Key Reports
Mapping Social Vulnerability in Switzerland: A pilot study on Flooding in Zürich [2017] Authors: Prior, T., Roth, F., Maduz, L. and Scafetti, F. Published by the Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zurich Browse a report overview presentation by Tim Price (via Prezi) here. [English]
Infraestructura resiliente bajo un enfoque de reducción del riesgo de desastres y adaptación al cambio climático: Marco Conceptual [2017] Authors: Paz, O., Méndez, R. and Mukerji, R. Published by SDC (Cooperación Suiza) Bolivia – COSUDE; implemented by HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation [Spanish]
Sistematización de Experiencias Cash Based Transfer (CBT) en el PMA, Bolivia [2017] Authors: Paz Méndez, A. Published by the World Food Programme (WFP) [Spanish]
Infraestructura resiliente bajo un enfoque de reducción del riesgo de desastres y adaptación al cambio climático [2017] Authors: Paz, O., Méndez, R. and Mukerji, R. Published by SDC (Cooperación Suiza) Bolivia – COSUDE [Spanish]
ProtectBio – Evaluation of the effects of protection forests on natural hazards due to gravity [2016] Authors: Sandri, A., Lange, B., Losey, S. and Perren, B. Published by INTERPRAEVENT (2016 conference proceedings) [English]
Evaluating the Effectiveness and the Efficiency of Mitigation Measures against Natural Hazards [2016] Authors: Bründl, M., Baumann, R., Burkard, A., Dolf, F., Gauderon, A., Gertsch, E., Gutwein, P., Krummenacher, B., Loup, B., Schertenleib, A., Oggier, N. and Zaugg-Ettlin, L. Published by INTERPRAEVENT (2016 conference proceedings) [English]
Guía de Preparación para la Atención de Desastres y/o Emergencias [2016] Published by SDC (Cooperación Suiza) Bolivia – COSUDE [Spanish]
umwelt Magazine: Living with Natural Hazards [2015] Managed by: Oberle, B. and Göttin, T. Published by Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) [English] [French] [German]
Programa de Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres (PRRD): Carpetas de Sistematización Fases I, II y III [2006 – 2015] Published by SDC (Cooperación Suiza) Bolivia – COSUDE [Spanish]
Risk-based spatial planning: Synthesis report on two case studies at communal land use planning level [2014] Editors: Schmid, F. and Leutwiler, A. Published by National Platform for Natural Hazards (PLANAT), Federal Office for Spatial Development (ARE) and FOEN [English] [French] [German]
Security Level for Natural Hazards: Strategy Protection against Natural Hazards [2014] Editors: Eckhardt, A. Published by the National Platform for Natural Hazards (PLANAT) c/o FOEN [English]
Fortalecimiento de las capacidades locales de las mujeres ante impactos emergentes del cambio climático [2013] Authors: Soliz, S., Silva, E., Gómez, J. and Arratia, O. Published by Fundación Agua Tierra Campesina – ATICA [Spanish]
Adaptation to climate change in Switzerland [2012] Project team: Hohmann, R., Köllner-Heck, P. and Probst, T. Published by FOEN [English] [French] [German] [Italian]
Seismic retrofitting of structures: Strategies and collection of examples in Switzerland [2008] Authors: Wenk, T. Published by FOEN [English] [French] [German]
Project Summaries
Proyecto de Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres (PRRD) – Cultura de Resiliencia [2016] Authors: Delfin, M., Sitta, V. and Villavicencio, R. Published by SDC (Cooperación Suiza) Bolivia [Spanish]
Proyecto de Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres (PRRD) – Gobernanza del Riesgo [2016] Authors: Paz, O., Sitta, V. and Villavicencio, R. Published by SDC (Cooperación Suiza) Bolivia [Spanish]
Proyecto de Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres (PRRD) – Primera Respuesta y Atención a Emergencias [2016] Authors: Jitton, R., Sitta, V. and Villavicencio, R. Published by SDC (Cooperación Suiza) Bolivia [Spanish]
- The Risk Reduction Project: Guide for decision-making on resilient infrastructure projects (Bolivia) [2017]
- Proyecto de Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres: Herramienta para la toma de decisiones en infraestructura resiliente ante el clima (Bolivia) [2017]
- Municipios se preparan para eventos naturales extremos: Municipio de Batallas, Departamento de La Paz – Bolivia
- Municipios se preparan para eventos naturales extremos: Municipio de Betanzos, Departamento de Potosí – Bolivia
- Municipios se preparan para eventos naturales extremos: Municipio de Huacaya, Departamento de Chuquisaca – Bolivia
- Municipios se preparan para eventos naturales extremos: Municipio de Uriondo, Departamento de Tarija – Bolivia
- Municipios se preparan para eventos naturales extremos: Municipio de Yunchará, Departamento de Tarija – Bolivia