Urban Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience – A Training Manual
- Level: Advanced
- Time commitment: 21 hours
- Learning product: Workshop/event series
- Sector: Multi-sector
- Language: English
- Certificate available: No
Responding to regional capacity building needs, including a lack of urban-related climate change trainings available, USAID Adapt Asia-Pacific in 2014 developed an Urban Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience (UCCAR) training course. Developed in collaboration with the East-West Center at the University of Hawaii, the course aims to improve climate change knowledge among mid- to senior-level managers working in urban and infrastructure planning and, in turn, help them design better adaptation projects.
This seven-module, five-day course starts with an introduction to climate change and climate change adaptation; provides tools and techniques for assessing climate change impacts and vulnerabilities; presents a framework for identification, evaluation, selection, and implementation of climate adaptation strategies, programs and projects; and finally looks at the options available for financing adaptation projects and methods of accessing climate change finance.
A hallmark of USAID Adapt Asia-Pacific’s standalone capacity building programs is to ensure knowledge is tested and applicable in the real world. The UCCAR training course, therefore, incorporates multiple case studies, tools, methodologies, and guidelines developed through USAID Adapt Asia-Pacific’s engagement with national and local governments in preparing climate change adaptation projects.
The manual (download from the right-hand column) outlines the course objectives and provides an overview of the modules, course theory and background, information on how the local implementer should prepare/modify the materials before the training begins, the estimated time required for each module, information on materials and facilities needed for implementation, pre- and post- test questions and further resources.
Downloads of detailed course materials and notes for facilitators are provided under the further Resources section below and full manual is available in the right hand column
Who would find this useful?
The training manual is primarily targeted at training institutions and agencies looking to develop and deliver urban climate change adaptation project development and finance training. The materials may also be useful for practitioners and individuals working in related sectors looking for a comprehensive set of tools and how-to guides for urban climate change adaptation.
The Course Modules
The course consists of seven modules, which are presented over the course of five consecutive days.
- Module 1: An Introduction to Climate Change Resilience
- Module 2: Understanding Climate Change and Local Climate Impacts
- Module 3: Scoping for Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience and Disaster Risk Reduction
- Module 4: Techniques for Vulnerability Assessment and Generating Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Options
- Module 5: Evaluating Strategies for Reducing Vulnerability and Mainstreaming Resilience
- Module 6: Preparing Project Proposals to Access Climate Funds and Support Services
- Module 7: Climate Finance Flows, Sources and Instruments
Learning outcomes
The USAID Adapt Asia-Pacific publication 6 Things to Know about Urban Adaptation highlights the key learnings from the course.
Funded through USAID’s Regional Development Mission for Asia (USAID/RDMA) and implemented by AECOM, USAID Adapt Asia-Pacific was designed to share information and best practices about climate change adaptation finance modalities and project preparation tools and help governments build capacity to access the existing pool of international climate change adaptation funds.
Go to the USAID Climate Change Adaptation Project Preparation Facility for Asia and the Pacific (USAID Adapt Asia-Pacific) project page
Suggested Citation
USAID Adapt Asia-Pacific (2015) Urban Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience – A Training Manual. USAID Regional Development Mission for Asia: Bangkok, Thailand.