Webinar: Exploring the use of foresight methods in climate resilience

Foresight for climate resilience
This webinar, hosted by the PLACARD project, showcased the potential of foresight methods in increasing climate resilience across Europe. The presentations and discussion reflected on the recent White Paper on the Future of Europe. The webinar ran on Wed 30 May 2018 at 10:30 – 12:00 CEST and was open to all.
Watch the webinar below.
The discussion focused on how foresight techniques can inform:
- Revision of the EU Adaptation Strategy in 2019
- Development and implementation of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism
- Development of the FP9 (framework programme) focusing on knowledge gaps and needs.
And questions such as: what are the challenges for a climate-resilient Europe? What are the main drivers of climate vulnerability that should be considered for the 5 Futures for Europe? What are the main types of policy options to increase the resilience to climate change and weather-related extremes for the 5 Futures?
- Introduction and PLACARD foresight activities – Rob Swart, Wageningen Environmental Research
- The 5 futures for Europe and the future of climate action: Reflections and scenarios for the EU27 – Jonathan Gaventa, Director, E3G Brussels Office
- Potential future climate in terms of climatic hazards and impacts expected for Europe – Professor Ian Holman, Cranfield University
Access the presentations here.
Watch the webinar:
Next steps
- Dec 2018 / Jan 2019: Planned PLACARD Foresight Workshop in Brussels
- May 2019: Foresight session at European Climate Change Adaptation (ECCA) 2019, Lisbon
- Late 2019: Second foresight report to be launched
Our webinar is part of a larger research and practice process on the use of foresight methods (PLACARD Foresight promotion report – Foresight for policy & decision-makers). The discussions will support development of a broader workshop on forward-looking (foresight) activities in late 2019: foresight methods will be used to support the three policy-science instruments, and design pathways of how they would play out in a world that ‘mixes’ Juncker’s 5 futures with different climate scenarios.