West Cork Islands Integrated Development Strategy
The West Cork Islands Integrated Development Strategy was developed by RPS Planning and Environment, working closely with the West Cork Islands Interagency Group (which comprises groups representing a broad cross-section of agencies and stakeholders). The purpose of the Strategy is to make the islands a better place to live, work, visit and do business. The strategy aims to support the vision for the islands:
To support island communities in their economic, social and cultural development, to preserve and enhance their unique cultural and linguistic heritage and to enable the islanders to secure access to adequate levels of public services so as to facilitate full and active participation in the overall economic and social life of the nation.
The phases of Strategy preparation included project planning, an inception report, background research and consultation, preparation of working papers, public consultation and final strategy preparation. The Strategy has been prepared and published to develop a viable working programme for the West Cork Islands Interagency Group and island communities over the coming years.
The strategy presents an integrated view of the future development of the West Cork Islands. Within this climate change, and particularly flood risk are identified as threats to the islands’ development. Climate change has not until now been considered in island planning documents. As such the strategy recommends screening existing policy documents for robustness against climate change and assessing existing infrastructure and planned developments for the effects of climate change. In relation to flood risk specifically it is recommended that the islands carry out flood risk assessments and implement flood relief plans where necessary.