Methodology of Bolivia NCAP Project

Social learning approach used in the project
The NCAP-Bolivia followed the principles suggested in UNDP/GEF Adaptation Policy Framework (2003) Note: The NCAP project began in 2003:
- Adaptation to short-term climate variability and extreme events were used as a basis for reducing vulnerability to longer-term climate change
- Adaptation policy and measures were assessed in a developmental context
- Adaptation occurs at different levels in society, including the local level
- The adaptation strategy and the process by which it is implemented are equally important
As previously mentioned, the study focuses on: 1) two semi-arid mountainous regions: the region of the Lake Titicaca and the region of Vallegrande; and 2) two sectors to assess the vulnerability of human subsistence systems to climate change: food security and human health. Under this framework, water resources are assessed as a cross cutting issue.
The project has adopted both a participatory and an integrated approach. The vulnerability assessment and the identification and design of possible adaptation measures have included the active participation of local stakeholders in the process through consultation, questionnaires, interviews, workshops and focus groups. In the region of the Lake Titicaca, 12 communities were selected to carry out the participatory assessment, 6 communities were involved in the assessment of the productive systems (food security) and 6 communities were involved in the evaluation of the local public health system (human health). In the Vallegrande region the participative assessment was carried out with 14 communities.
The participatory approach is important 1) to validate and triangulate information obtained during the assessment, 2) to gain a better and more objective understanding of the local reality and needs, 3) to understand the local perceptions of climate change effects, and 4) to identify local knowledge that can be used to build adaptive capacity at the local and national levels. The stakeholders involved in the process were local authorities, farming organizations and independent farmers, local institutes, and staff working in health centers located in the study regions.
In addition, the integrated vulnerability assessment of both regions encompasses different disciplines to evaluate ecosystem vulnerability, the hydrologic system, climatic variability, productive systems, traditional knowledge and current policies influencing production systems and human health. An integrated approach is also used for the development of adaptation strategies. Different tools and methods are used for the integrated assessment: GIS tools for multi-criteria analysis; participatory tools for evaluation and planning; questionnaires, rapid appraisal methods and web-based tools to exchange information and promote communication on climate change related risks. For more on tools to assist adaptation see here.
Finally, the project complements the top-down planning process with a bottom-up process of capacity building. While the study contributes towards developing national adaptation policies and strategies working with national authorities and departmental centers of the health system, the participation approach used to build adaptive capacity in the two selected regions allows designing and implementing adaptation measures from the bottom-up that can serve as case studies in the development of national policies. The project also explores creating synergies with current policies and measures implemented at the local and national levels in the context of rural development, watershed management, public health and education.
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