Amel Makhlouf
Amel Makhlouf
Family name: MAKHLOUF
First name: AMEL
International Expert, Environment/Climate Change and Green Growth
Nationality: Tunisian
Contact: email: [email protected];
Tel.: +21671861365, Mobile: +21698255112
3. Present, recent positions:
· Since December 2014, Senior Adviser for MENA and African regions, Regions20/R20 (Environment, Climate change and green growth), Geneva/Tunis
· November 2013 – November 2014: Independent Evaluator/M&E Expert for the OIF “International Organisation for French speaking countries” based in Paris, member of the Pilot Committee for the evaluation of the International Institute for Sustainable Development for French speaking countries based in Quebec “Institut Francophone sur le Developpement Durable” (IFDD) the former Institute for Energy and Environment for Francophone countries. In charge of the evaluation of the IFDD evaluation work performed by the evaluators and other consulting bureaux.
· November 2012 – November 2013: Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist for the Climate Investment Funds (CIF), African Development Bank, Tunis, Tunisia
Key qualifications, Performances:
Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist for the Climate Investment Funds: monitoring and evaluation of Climate change, climate resilience, sustainable development and energy Funds, programs and projects. Design of M&E strategies and tools for Investment programs and projects related to Environmental assessment and Sustainable development, Clean Technology, Renewable Energy, Forestry and Climate resilience for African countries.
Ø Member of the FINNOV, Francophonie&Innovation in Environment, Climate Change and Green Growth
Ø Focal Point of the R20 Climate in Tunisia and nearly the Mediterranean region, NGO based in Los Angeles and Geneva
Ø Secretary General of the Network on Sustainable Production and consumption for Francophone countries
Ø Member of the Expert Group NWP (Nairobi Work Program) on Climate Change Adaptation
Ø Member of the Expert Group on Environmental Education for Francophone countries
Ø Focal Point of the GAB Africa (Gender Advisory Board for Sciences and Technology), within the United Nations Commission for Sciences and Technology;
Ø Focal point for North Africa of the NAWST (Network for Arab Women on Sciences and Technologies)
Ø Association of International Consultants (AIC)
Specific experiences in the region
- Ghana
- Burkina Faso
- Tanzania
- Other countries: Morocco, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon; Jordan, Cyprus, Mexico Nigeria, Liberia, Zambia, Mozambique, etc.
Other: Algeria, Senegal, Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya, etc.
Design of Climate Risk and Adaptation strategy for African countries;
- Preparation of the Climate Change Conference Of Parties;
- Development of Screening tools for Climate Risk and Adaptation for Africa
-Development of a GIS and databses for climate risk adaptation for African countries
- Environmental Supervision missions for AFDB projects in African countries
– Advise for the Safeguard environmental policies ESIA of the Bank - Develop and enlarge partnership in the field of environment and climate change
- Design training packages and organize training workshops and seminars in the fields of climate change and environment
Joined 2012
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