Anupam Ghosh
Anupam Ghosh
Dr. Anupam Ghosh,
B.Sc.(Cal), M.Sc.(Cal), LL.B.(Cal), Ph.D.(Cal),
C.A.M.P. [Certificate in Analysis of Marine Pollution (U.S.A.-Bermuda)]
C.O.S.C.P.[Certificate in Oil Spill Contingency Planning (U.S.A.-Bermuda)]
C.B.C.C.S.[Certificate in Biogeochemical Cycling in Coastal-Carbonate System (U.S.A.-Bermuda)]
Advocate-in-Law [Private Practice Lawyer & Advocate since 1986]
Secretary General & Chief Scientist, Asian Marine Conservation Association (AMCA)
Sr. Consultant Scientist & Sr. Lawyer- Industrial Environmental Law Compliance; Maritime Oil & Gas Safety Law; Public & Private International Law; National & International Law of Criminal Justice
Member of Professional Body :
1. Bar Council of West Bengal, Calcutta, India;
2. Bar Association of Andhra Pradesh/Telengana High Court Advocate Association, Hyderabad, India
Member of Science & Research Association :
1. Asian Marine Conservation Association (Founder)
2. Indian Science Congress Association (Life)
Past Activities & credentials
• Former Director & Course Coordinator [Coastal Resource Management] (1986-1989) C.I.I.M. Lake Town , Calcutta 700089
• Former Guest Faculty for M.Sc. & M. Phil. Course (1992-2007), when he taught International Environmental & Maritime Laws and also Environmental Oceanography, Department of Ecological Studies, School of Environmental Sciences, University of Kalyani, Nadia, Pin Code 741 235, West Bengal, INDIA.
• Former Guest Faculty, University Grants Commission (U.G.C.) sponsored various Academic Staff College for University & College Teachers held time to time at University of Calcutta and University of Kalyani, West Bengal, India
• Former SPECIALIST MEMBER, Environmental Law, Urban Infrastructure Project Evaluation Committee of Housing & Urban Development Corporation (HUDCO), Govt. of India, 15N, Lindsay Street, Calcutta 700087, (1999-2004).
• ISCA Young Scientist Award-1981
• Govt. of West Bengal Research Fellowship 1981-1984
• Govt. of India Senior Research Fellowship 1984-1988
• Mobil Corporation, U.S.A. International Travel Fellowship 1982
• Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) (UNESCO) Fellowship 1982
• Amoco Foundation, (U.S.A.) Fellowship 1985
• Exxon Corporation (U.S.A.) Fellowship 1988
• U.K. Govt. Sponsorship for presentation on ‘Oil Spill Management’ in PFC Global Conference at Manchester, 1993
• World Conference on Sustainable Tourism, organized by WTO with Spanish Government, at Lanza rote, Spain in 1995
• Invited Speaker - Plenary Session to address “Cross-Regional Cooperation for Oil Pollution Management at Sea – Requirement for Maritime Transport Operation System”, 3rd EUROCOAST, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, U.K., 1996
Devised, constituted and successfully organized ‘Coastal Resource Management’ Post-Graduate Diploma course in 1987-88 [A systematic Education Programme launched for the first in the World]
Number of Research Publications : 44 (Forty Four) on Classical, Environmental and Social Sciences, Public International Law.
Dr. Anupam Ghosh, being the Chief Scientist of the Asian Marine Conservation Association (www.marinecon.org), taught Environmental Science emphasizing Marine & Coastal Resource Management and Law to the students of M.Sc. and M.Phil. in Environmental Science in the Department of Environmental Science, University of Kalyani, Kalyani, Nadia–741235, West Bengal, India. He taught Chemical Oceanography and pollution management to the students of “Coastal Resources Management & Conservation of Renewable Marine Resources, at the Calcutta Institute of Integral Management, Where he coordinated & directed the programme. Having versatile stretches of research interests, he earned two Bachelor Degrees in Biological Sciences (B.Sc.-Bio) and Law (LL.B.), a Master Degree in Agriculture (M. Sc.-Ag), a Doctorate Degree (Ph.D.) in Plant Physiology related to Agro-Environmental Studies on Pesticides from the University of Calcutta, and also earned three Graduate (Master level) Certificates from Bermuda Biological Station for Research (Lexington Avenue, New York, U.S.A.) in Marine Science & related resource management that include : (1) Analysis of Marine Pollution; (2) Oil Spill Contingency Planning ;and (3) Biogeochemical Cycling Processes in Coastal Carbonate System – all in and with the North Atlantic Ocean Systems. Dr. Ghosh had proceeded his academic and research interests in Oceanography primarily under the renowned Scientist and Philosopher , Dr. James Newton Butler, Ex-Gordon McKay Professor of Applied Chemistry, Harvard University, U.S.A.
Dr. Ghosh was awarded “Young Scientist” in Agricultural Science in 1981 from West Bengal for his outstanding work with Insecticide, fungicide and weedicide in Rice & Wheat in West Bengal, jointly by the Indian Science Congress Association and Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India.
Many of his international invitations include : (1) Air Pollution Symposia in Oxford University, U.K. in 1982, (2) International Conference on floriculture “Floriad” organized by International Agricultural Centre, Wageningen, Netherlands, in 1982; (3) ‘Partnership for Change’ conference organized by the British Government, in 1993; (4) IVth International Conference on International Court of Environment Foundation, Venice, Italy, in 1994; (5) “World Conference on Sustainable Tourism, organized by WTO with Spanish Government, at Lanza rote, Spain in 1995; and (6) Royal Holloway College, University of London, U.K., in 1997. His recent article ‘Coastline India’ published as lead article in June 2015 in ONE INDIA ONE PEOPLE discloses many significant facets of the coastline in sustainability of public life, and another article “Marine Conservation at Sea” published in ONE INDIA ONE PEOPLE (www.oneindiaonepeople.com), July 2013, Page 13, highlighting the impact of oil spill on marine environment and climate change. Dr. Ghosh has been engaged in oil pollution at sea and ocean acidification for more than 33 years.
Dr. Ghosh, during the Gulf War in 1991, had taken various proactive steps and also advised the then Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, Mr. Chandra Sekhar Singh to form the “Task Force for combating Oil Spill” for India. In the year 1993 (November), Govt. of India approved the National Oil Spill Disaster Contingency Plan (NOS DCP).
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