Adjunct professor
I am a fluvial ecologist with over 30 years of experience. Currently, I hold a position for 25 years as adjunct professor at the University of Bologna (Italy) and provide environmental consultancy in various projects. I am a co-founder of CIRF (Italian Center for River Restoration) in 1999 and was a member of the European Centre for River Restoration (ECRR) Board between 2005 and 2011. I led national (in collaboration with University of Florence) and international (EU projects ERMAS, NICOLAS, with Consortium Acque Risorgive
and Veneto Agricoltura Autorithies) research projects focussed on river restoration and water management. I organized and chaired the Scientific and Technical Committee of the IVth ECRR International Conference on River Restoration 2008 in Venice. Currently, I am
leading and developing citizen science activities in Italy mainly focused on freshwater ecosystems in partnership with CIFLA (Fondazione Flamina Center for innovation). My research has led to about 60 peer-reviewed, popular science publications and policy briefs.
Joined 2020
University of Bologna BiGeA Dept