JOSEPH SENYO KWASHIE PROFILE (BA.DEV.THEO, DIP.BS, DIP.TA, CERT.HE, CERT.LVE, FP.101,WBI-CCC, FIAPC ETC) MR. JOSEPH SENYO KWASHIE is the founder of COMMUNITY AND FAMILY AID FOUNDATION-NGO in GHANA, of National in nature working for and pursuing youth and other social humanitarian development agenda for more than half a decade now. Joe-had worked and volunteered for more than 200 civil societies in Ghana and abroad to execute quite a number of projects. Working actively and in partnership with people, organizations, different churches, cultures, sectors, beliefs, and practices, in Ghana, Africa and on the Global scene has been my hallmark. Again As a gentleman of the century his contributions to youth and humanity development cannot be under estimated, which have reflected in most organizations he had served in the past such as PPAG,TFAC,NFAID,Young and Wise,GHWA,AYA,DIF,Womens Vision 3000,ROGRAF,WAKE,YOUTH PATH,TRADE WORLD,VYTF,OAU,etc He is a well gifted persona who takes up .He has a fair balance of educational laurels and degrees of recognition from various institutional backgrounds. . With these roles highlighted Joseph had served, challenges with a prolific writing back ground and specializes in youth activism, human rights, governance and accountability, training, SRH, Research, development planning, women’s health, and policy reforms. Joseph has been involved in the work of comprehensive youth activism in the areas of climate change,environment,policy ,communication,gender,Health and Rights at the state, district, and national levels, serving as an officer, committee member, delegate, and, most recently, as the National Treasure of the Coalition of Youth Development Organizations in Ghana(COYODOG), leading various project in the health arena. He has been actively involved in special projects including “Operation Youth for Positive Health,” a program to improve the ASRH health needs of young people. More of his works can be found here https://www.facebook.com/pages/COMMUNITY-AND-FAMILY-AID-FOUNDATION/273648017243
Joined 2018
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