Mahdi Kolahi, from Iran, holds a Ph.D. on environmental social science from Kyoto University, Japan, September 2013. His master’s and bachelor’s degrees were in Natural Resources Engineering: Forestry at universities of Tehran and Mazandaran, respectively. He has worked as Research Assistant at Kyoto University (2010-2013) and as Senior Research Assistant at City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (2013-2014). Kolahi has more than 70 publications including 4 books, 7 peer-reviewed journal papers, 11 conference proceedings, 12 published research projects, and many articles in newspapers.
A list of his publications:
See his third currently published book at:
Kolahi's research experiences and interests are broadly oriented towards the discipline of environment conservation, human dimensions of conservation, environmental sociology and socio-environmental synthesis. More specifically, they include challenges, management effectiveness, tourism management, social capital, forest management, conservation economy, biodiversity conservation, participatory approaches, public opinion on environment, green political theory (issues related to democracy, sustainable development, and environmental justice), and individual’s acceptance for different policy instruments. He is a member of several national or international scientific organizations and journals (such as IUCN, WCPA).
Contact: mkolahi8 @
Joined 2015