I am a midlevel veterinarian who have got over 17 years of experience as summarized by the context of the job occupation as follows:
Clinical practice:- as a field veterinarian, quarantine & meat inspector as well as owner and manager of Animal Clinic & Drug Shop, I have got sufficient practice especially in handling obstetrical and surgical cases
Education:- as an instructor and Department Head I have got experiences on teaching in higher education as well as adult farmers in Functional Adult Literacy programs – especially hands on experiences on Community (Pastoral) Based Animal Health Workers [CAHWs] selection, training (including refresher training) & monitoring and support as well as on other topics such as dry land farming, home economics, etc.
Development expert: - as a trained personnel on Project Management & Participatory Rural Appraisal [PRA/PLA] and over eight years experiences as a livestock officer & consultant I have got the following practical skills in the practice of development projects:-
· Project cycle management, especially monitoring & evaluation as well as report writing skills.
· Analysis and understanding of livelihood systems for pastoral & mixed farming communities.
· Good track record and experiences on undertaking short term consultancy & training assignments on animal health (veterinary), farmers/pastoralists training, training manual preparation, evaluation of commercial and development projects, Agro-Ecology management for agro-industries, agricultural value chain, market assessment and acquired practical skills on designing qualitative & quantitative data collection tools & analytical skills.
Joined 2014