Executive Director/ Head of Programme
U Thura Aung
Executive Director/ Head of Programme
Current Head of Development and Coordination Unit and the Head of Programme is U Thura Aung, who is Myanmar Citizen and finished Master of Science, Master of Public Health form Mahidol University. His excellent works with UN Bodies of Unicef, UNDP, UNOPS, WHO and INGO of Save the Children's Fund and some local organisations can brings us towards sharpen actions for alleviation of rural poor.
He is responsible for the Representation and Coordination on-behalf of the Organisation and currently represent to UNFCCC, UN Global Compact, UNECOSOC ( Economic and Social Commission of the United Nations) and other UN Treaties as well as representing in Child Labour Platform.
The nature of the Development and Coordination (DC Unit) serves for International Relations and development of partnerships as well as designing new programme.http://www.radanarayar.org/executivedirector.html
Joined 2016
Radanar Ayar Rural Development Association