Principal Forest Officer
I earned a bachelor’s degree in Forestry, Wildlife and Range Management from the University of Agriculture in Makurdi, Nigeria. I have gained eight years working experience as a Forester with the Federal Ministry of Environment Abuja and have specialized in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Forest Resources Assessment Survey and Climate Change Management. I also have experience in carbon trading, geographic information system for monitoring and sustainable forest management.
I am a keen researcher who is passionate about the environment because it is a hub for all life. Learning and updating on previous knowledge has been a core basis for my growth in the last few years. I am confident this job opportunity if shortlisted will broaden my scope and serve as a platform to boost knowledge I already have in monitoring and evaluation in issues of forestry and environment. I am confident I can add to the knowledge I have gained from related field work in forestry and related issues, some of which include Sustainable Forest Management in China, EU Training on Capacity building on Monitoring, Reporting and Verifications of GHG Emissions and Actions in Developing Countries in Nigeria and Validation workshop on the Draft National Forest Reference Emission Level (FREL) for Nigeria.
Joined 2023
Federal Department of Forestry, Nigeria